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Supporters Trust Survey


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Please stop spamming me with emails about it.

I didn't care to begin with and I care even less now that you've sent me three identical emails about it.

I realise that the OTIB boards are affiliated with the Supporter's Trust but does that really give you the right to send me emails on their behalf? I signed up to the "official message board" - not the Supporter's Trust message board.

Edit: 4 emails...

Edit: FFS... 5 emails

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Does Good Business Practice include sending me 6 emails to the same email address?

Does Good Business Practice include sending emails to those who havespecifically asked not to receive emails from that business - my email option shows no emails from the Board Administrator.

Does Good Business Practice include not including an unsubscribe facility on the email which is against the Law?

I presume the ST are registered with The data Protection Act?

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I am out of the office till Friday 16th March 2007

If your query is of an urgent technical nature, please email chris@cliksoftware.com

For all other queries please contact info@cliksoftware.com

I have just sent both an email - if I get anymore I will send them the same request over and over and over and over and over - annoying isn't it

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Guest North Street
I'm on 8 now and they legally shouldn't be sending me even one. - see other thread.

They are not sharing your details and also not breaching confidentiality.

Maybe they should get rid of the e mail and pm facility.

I do not think they should be critised for simply trying to improve the lot of City fans.

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