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Value for money


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To start with, this isnt a post slagging anyone off. Its just an honest question.

I know that we are in 2nd spot and four points above 3rd and i also know that if we win our remaining games we will go up

but what i want to know is.....

How many people think that they have had value for money this season?

How many games have you walked away from thinking that" that was worth the money"

I can remember plenty of games that we have won , lost or drawn that i felt thoroughly entertained and would pay to watch again in the past but i cant think of to many this season.

I accept that promotion is all that matters but i would also like to enjoy the game I'm watching.

So is it just me being an old git or is the football this season very workmanlike?

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To start with, this isnt a post slagging anyone off. Its just an honest question.

I know that we are in 2nd spot and four points above 3rd and i also know that if we win our remaining games we will go up

but what i want to know is.....

How many people think that they have had value for money this season?

How many games have you walked away from thinking that" that was worth the money"

I can remember plenty of games that we have won , lost or drawn that i felt thoroughly entertained and would pay to watch again in the past but i cant think of to many this season.

I accept that promotion is all that matters but i would also like to enjoy the game I'm watching.

So is it just me being an old git or is the football this season very workmanlike?

I remember comming away from Bournemouth thinking that was well worth the money and hassle getting down there. Cant say there have been to many home games in the league that spring out at me. Maybe they are comming up....!

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How many people think that they have had value for money this season?

Do you ever get value for money at City??. :handbags:

Not with regard to the catering!!, :icecream:

Match wise, the FA Cup run was VFM, and good publicity for Bristol Footy in general... :chant6ez:

Then we blow it all away with 2 crap games against the Gas, which thankfully wasn't on Sky,

so only Bristolians suffered!!, :violin:

And not taking the game to the opposition, after going 1-0 up, and drawing or losing!!, :reaper:

I hope that the Home games against Forest and Yeovil live up to all the hype that is going to be imposed on them!!, :sign09:

I accept that promotion is all that matters but i would also like to enjoy the game I'm watching.

With being exiled, and blowing £1,000's in the past, i've cut down a wee bit this season, but what i have seen this season, apart from the games in the FA Cup, and the come back games over the Festive Season, i have not seen anything special, certainly nothing to live up to the pre season hype of second favorites for promotion, and i think that it's ironically funny that a so called "unfashionable" team like S****horpe are going up!!.

Now that Abramovich has divorced, maybe we should all write to his ex, selling her the virtues of this wonderful city called Bristol, and maybe she would like to invest in the Club!!, :innocent06:

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And in that statement you have the answer or one of them to why AG isn't packed.

There is a difference between being satisfied with a point or three and enjoying the game.

I've missed about four games, in total, home & away and in terms of feeling that I've enjoyed a game as opposed to being satisfied with the result, I would say about ten games of the 47 we've played.

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And in that statement you have the answer or one of them to why AG isn't packed.

There is a difference between being satisfied with a point or three and enjoying the game.

I've missed about four games, in total, home & away and in terms of feeling that I've enjoyed a game as opposed to being satisfied with the result, I would say about ten games of the 47 we've played.

It's not thrilling stuff is it mate? Watching my beloved City has become a duty. I'll still go win/lose/draw play well or badly but I yearn for Murray on the right, Aaron Brown on the left, Tinman unlocking defences and even Thorpe finishing it off. All season we've been saying "look where we are and we haven't hit form yet!" - IMO we still haven't and if we do go up it will be a 40 game grind with a few highlights. So I suppose the pecking order is -

1. Go up and play great entertaining football

2. Go up and play boring football

3. Stay up and play great football

4. Stay up and play boring football

I wonder at the end of the season what the verdict will be?

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