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NEW Training Ground & Plastic Seats in Dolman (at last)

bh red

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have to say following tonight's announcements very unimpressed, however purchase of land for a new training ground is a god send, the facilites at Abbot's leigh are shocking for a club at this level.

and Red Plastic Seats at last in the dolman, sure will make the ground look better!.......despite it costing £115k!!!! no wonder they have put it off

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NOOOOOOOOOOO don't care if it looks better I like my wooden seat!!!! And won't be so easy climbing over them on the way out ... BOOOOO!

I cant wait for the red plastic seats to be honest mate, it's been like sitting on a wooden crate for the last few years, I will be well happy, especially if (when sorry) I'm watching Champoionship football next season.

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first off, the training ground is long long over due, probably another year or so, but the pitches at Abbots at AWFUL

as for plastic seats, well that's set to finally convince me to move to the Dolman Stand!....only thing is £115k......hmmm, wonder how much season tickets will go up? how many does the dolman hold? 6k?

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They also mentioned that the new toilets in the Dolman were costing £58,000.

Not sure if this is for the work that has been done so far or whether there is more work to do. If it is the former then someone is quite literally taking the p*ss! That works out around £5k per 2 man urinal!

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"Work will begin in the summer to replace all wooden seats in the Dolman Stand with new red plastic seats. It's something the stadium needs and will enhance the aesthetics for people visiting Ashton Gate."

eerrrr...... when there are people sat in the seats the asethetic value of the seats tends to be covered up.

unless of course he is investing in plastic seats so it looks nice when people come and visit it when it is empty?

I'm confused

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What about replacing the wooden seats in the Williams? Lansdown said, we don't want people getting splinters in the wrong areas, but we still might in the Williams!


I agree. The wooden seats in the Williams are absolutely appalling, with various ones being repaired with a piece of plywood!

They also expect everyone who sits in them to be about 15 inches wide at the shoulder, because that's how wide the seats are!

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What about replacing the wooden seats in the Williams? Lansdown said, we don't want people getting splinters in the wrong areas, but we still might in the Williams!


But the plan I guess would be - win promotion this season and the Wedlocks will be redeveloped, then providing we establish ourselves in the Championship the club will look at replacing the Williams thereafter.

I'm not overly bothered about the seats either way, but the potential new training ground is the major thing to have come out of last night - about time too.

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I may be wrong but I guess the thinking behind changing the seats is that Ashton Gate is being used more and more for corporate type events. The hope is that anyone (firms or individuals) attending one of these may be encouraged to come back and watch City. This could be on an individual basis or through taking up hospitality packages. At present a lot of AG does not look very appealing when empty.

I think the club have been trying for some time to get grants to upgrade the seats but this type of improvement falls outside of the scope of what they have been trying for.

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the replacement of the Dolman seats will make the ground look Championship- not 3rd or 4th tier.

Waste of money? maybe. But I would argue that it has to be done and so ASAP makes more sense. It will give a great impression of the club to potential players, fans, businesses etc etc.

I really think it needs doing and will look great once it's done.

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I may be wrong but I guess the thinking behind changing the seats is that Ashton Gate is being used more and more for corporate type events.

The seats are really for the RUGBY FOOTBALL crowd, as they'll fill Ashton Gate, to watch grown men chase after an egg!!, :fish:

Can't see us getting too many gates above 12,000 next season if we remain in the same division!!, :argh:

Bet they'll soon announce a new type of grass to be sewn on the pitch after the last home game!!. :phone:

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I'm with you, Chessels Chick. I like my wooden seat. :-(

And me! Get the red paint out (could have been an option if we won the Paint pot trophy as wasn't paint part of the prize???). I like climbing over my seat as a short cut, and the noise they make when being banged. Plastic although smarter won't add to the already quiet stadium!

And whilst I'm having my 2 penny worth, I'm underwhelmed by the new training announcement. Yes maybe the facillities have to be improved but buying land is a huge financial investment for what real gain?

Will it actually improve the players ability? I think there is more to training players than having a decent pitch to play on and super-dooper changing rooms. I think our players need toughening up not pampered to even more!!! How much time do players actually spend training on a daily basis? I doubt for the time it's used it will be very costly. I suppose it will be a useful carrot to tempt new players to us though?

As I said I'm not impressed and think there are better places money, and it's fans money afterall, could be invested.

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I can see the point in doing both actually - upgrading the seating has been on the agenda for a while and is part of the overall plans for improving the stadium. New training facilities have a number of benefits - presumably if we currently use pitches owned by someone else then we are paying an annual fee for that pleasure and have less of a say in improvements. If we owned our own training ground facilities then we don't pay an annual fee thus saving revenue costs each year.

I think any coach/manager would argue that the quality of training pitches is essential for a number of reasons - one being injuries. If we are training on heavy pitches everyday players can be more likely to pick up injuries. Also yes I would agree wtih RedM they may well help attract better players to the club, particularly if we are playing at a higher level and want higher quality players.

So whilst the evening might have been a disappointment for some I actually thing the proposals on the training facility side and stadium improvements are a good plan for the club.

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And whilst I'm having my 2 penny worth, I'm underwhelmed by the new training announcement. Yes maybe the facillities have to be improved but buying land is a huge financial investment for what real gain?

Will it actually improve the players ability? I think there is more to training players than having a decent pitch to play on and super-dooper changing rooms. I think our players need toughening up not pampered to even more!!! How much time do players actually spend training on a daily basis? I doubt for the time it's used it will be very costly. I suppose it will be a useful carrot to tempt new players to us though?

As I said I'm not impressed and think there are better places money, and it's fans money afterall, could be invested.

The risk potential on buying land is quite low though. It would increase the assets of the club and the only costs would be financing the loan and up keep on it. As the club stands they pay money to rent the land with no capital gain so is more of a waste of money.

If the loan scheme and interest repayments are reasonable I would say that it is a better use of our resources. The scheme to involve fans investment is a means for them to reduce the repayments.

During this season their have been a few occasions where the pitches have been unplayable and that would have an effect on their ability to train. This would be a definate advantage of better facilities suited to daily training.

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The F.A.Cup run City had this season more than pays for the cost of replacing those very ugly seats in the Dolman! :nono:

and Red Plastic Seats at last in the dolman, sure will make the ground look better!.......despite it costing £115k!!!!

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so the cost is 115k

break this down a little and were probally changing circa 3500 seats

this equates to £32 per seat to take out the old ones, dispose of correctly, supply and fit a new one.

Doesnt sound expensive to me, or the cost of 1.5 games in that seat.

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