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The New Stand


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Does anoyone know the latest about the development in the wedlock??

SL did mention this on Thurs night. If i remember rightly although they can set no date in concrete this is still an ongoing project although i gather that plans have been approved etc etc. SL spoke very passionately of his vision for the future of the club. He is a businessman however and i can`t see the redevelopment being given the green light until such time as the club are in an envoironment where the stand and accompanying commercial add ons are fully utilised....ie, when we are established in the Championship. I hope that is the case. I wouldn`t want our 1st season back in Div2 with reduced capacity and if we failed how depressing would a nearly empty 2 tier stand look in Div3.


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I thought the new stand design was poor. Would have lacked any kind of atmosphere and should be 2 tiered IMO.

Goodness knows how much money they wasted when planning that monstrosity.

A smaller, more modern version of this would be better;


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I think if we gain promotion then we may here some more about it.

I agree the plans for it looked piss poor, The EE is our traditional home end so I would like some of the character from the old stand implemented in the new stand. With abit of imagination it could happen.

I would like something like the purple stand at Walsall but with both tiers being the same size. The lower tier being unreserved seating and in the middle or at the top some executive boxes to provide extra income for the club.

What I don't want is another Atyeo stand.

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