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East End open for forest...


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Only 1,500 tickets left in the three other stands, plus 600 EE.

I'm surprised exchanges aren't being allowed because the Ticket Office would have bags of time to reallocate the available seats in the other areas.After selling 9,000 in a day for Boro, they've only get to sell Donnie Tickets and those 1,500 tickets for the next ten days or so because the EE's online sales.

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Only 1,500 tickets left in the three other stands, plus 600 EE.

I'm surprised exchanges aren't being allowed because the Ticket Office would have bags of time to reallocate the available seats in the other areas.After selling 9,000 in a day for Boro, they've only get to sell Donnie Tickets and those 1,500 tickets for the next ten days or so because the EE's online sales.

I got my ticket in the dullmoan a while back and the club have just told me i cant swop it for the EE even though the game is 2 weeks away. Crap.

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I can hardly wait, an afternoon of being sat by people attending their only game of the season, showing about as much passion as a corpse.

To right 600 :disapointed2se: very few of the singers in there own areas will move or buy them;

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Only 1,500 tickets left in the three other stands, plus 600 EE.

I'm surprised exchanges aren't being allowed because the Ticket Office would have bags of time to reallocate the available seats in the other areas.After selling 9,000 in a day for Boro, they've only get to sell Donnie Tickets and those 1,500 tickets for the next ten days or so because the EE's online sales.

Who's up for buying a ticket in the EE and seeling their season ticket seat for the 1 game? That's what I'm probably going to be doing!

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600 tickets are going on sale to city fans for the East End against Forest, but you cant exchange your season ticket for it! DISGRACEFUL!

Wonderfull, advantage Forest;:disapointed2se::grr:

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What a load of ###### shit not being able to transfer tickets. So it will be all the people whose last game was Boro sat in the East End. ###### joke.

I do not go to AG much due to the distance, but more to do with the atmosphere being shyte. I do get to reasonable amount of aways though.

Just got my EE ticket, but I am not a jester`s hat/foam hands wearing part timer, thank you.

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Who's up for buying a ticket in the EE and seeling their season ticket seat for the 1 game? That's what I'm probably going to be doing!

I would but I can't see the '688 Great' all being co-ordinated to do the same so a frustrating afternoon in amongst the 'once in a blue moon' types would follow aka/'Boro.

I think I'll just count me losses and stick where I am, for this particular game it should be ok, still going to be vocally swampped by Forest, cheers Col for that.

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I do not go to AG much due to the distance, but more to do with the atmosphere being shyte. I do get to reasonable amount of aways though.

Just got my EE ticket, but I am not a jester`s hat/foam hands wearing part timer, thank you.

but you may well be in the minority in the EE, as i'm sure many will be said 'part timers'

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No Transfers to the East End!


Sexstone OUT

Lansdown OUT

Johnson OUT

Tim the Steward OUT

Betty the Coffee Lady OUT!

oh well never mind!.........surely this is an eastend posting and should be in that forum?

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No Transfers to the East End!


Sexstone OUT

Lansdown OUT

Johnson OUT

Tim the Steward OUT

Betty the Coffee Lady OUT!

oh well never mind!.........surely this is an eastend posting and should be in that forum?


Think I'll just go off and delude myself that my own transfer suggestions and speculation has any importance or relevance on anything instead shall I?

Oh no, I might bump into people like you.

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I know its not going to be that many but I think that a few will have held on like myself and will snap up these EE tickets. However, for those who would like to swap and can't it must be very frustrating. Surely with at least a week until the game this can be arranged?

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