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Its time to put the crystal balls away


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The past few days i have read many threads here with increasing disbelief. Now i know this is a forum for fans of the club, both young and old, and i can, to a degree, understand the negativity of some of the older fans. I know how desperate all of us are to see our beloved club succeed and not to experience the pain of failure.

But many seem to be blind to the fact that this season can already be viewed as a success on many levels. From an indifferent start we find ourselves in 2nd place with a few points in the bank and an exciting run in for the last 8 games.

This is GJ first full season with the team, and he`s achieved our current position with a squad that has a healthy mix of youth and experience and includes some very good footballers. But this has been done with an unusual string of injuries, predominantly to the forward line. People aren`t happy that we don`t have a prolific scorer, but for injuries IMO we would have.

SL is doing his upmost to get this clubwhere he believes it should be. But while success on the pitch can be a fickle mistress, success off the pitch has to be a long term plan. The balance of moving the club forward while maintaining its financial stability is incredibly difficult and i have no complaints about the way its been done so far. I wonder how many of those calling for SL to plough his reported £m`s into the club have reciprocated by `risking` their cash on a season ticket.

It seems that every single move made by the club is, by some, greeted with doubt, cyniscism and questions as to the capabitlty of those involved. To the extent that you have to wonder how these people manage to live their day to day lives with such a negative outlook.

Please, please feel free to critise players,and/or, management etc after a poor result, but doing so before a balls been kicked helps noone.

We are in a position, that looked unlikely 7 games into the season, that should have every fan excited, that should be reflecting in a positive light the efforts of all at BCFC.

Come on people, enough of the negativity.

Don`t worry...

...........be happy.



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