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Couldn't be assed to read entirely through your ramble man...

Bottom line: This Club now should take the details and give 'privalage' to those who are here now....(although how do you draw the line? many have drifted pre-Pavarotte etc).

Umm, we're in a 'wrong'n' age.... The East End issue is enough to make that clear...

If this Club ever make's 'it', be prepared to be shafted out of your seat for some richer 'Johnny-come-lately'...

It's the way it's gone already for many........... only hope the bubble burst's soon....

Forget the concept of 'Club'...... 'Commercialised enterprise' (I highlight for the blind)..... wake up... or don't...

Man, it's already here.....

This isn't a slogan or a cliche here, this is symbolic of what you're saying......

give us our east end back

Yeah give us back the east end, football deffo is not as fun as I remember it being and I'm only 18, the past 10 years I have seen it go from being a laugh (Last day against Norwich when we went down) to what we see now.

Yeah I dint expect anyone to read it all, I wrote it on another forum and a Rovers fan on there said that he wished the 4,000 that went on Tuesday were the only ones going to Cardiff.

I think if the match day experince was better it would bring back some punters, yeah I like the football to be good but I love having a old sing song and laugh with the people around me.

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Lad, Football's gone right to the shitter.

SL and Sexstone, the 'clucking hens' you read on here. Tell me in the last three years where there was fun to be had at AG since the EE was last open ('04)?

Jackshit to do with the actual Football mate, everything to do with 'all-seaters', The PC oppression and the lack of the EE.

Hard to entice mates into/back to, I know. 'Modern Thinking' apparently. Like I said earlier....the bubble must burst...I do prey...

oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear, all hail The Tyranny....

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Couldn't be assed to read entirely through your ramble man...

Bottom line: This Club now should take the details and give 'privalage' to those who are here now....(although how do you draw the line? many have drifted pre-Pavarotte etc).

Umm, we're in a 'wrong'n' age.... The East End issue is enough to make that clear...

If this Club ever make's 'it', be prepared to be shafted out of your seat for some richer 'Johnny-come-lately'...

It's the way it's gone already for many........... only hope the bubble burst's soon....

Forget the concept of 'Club'...... 'Commercialised enterprise' (I highlight for the blind)..... wake up... or don't...

Man, it's already here.....

This isn't a slogan or a cliche here, this is symbolic of what you're saying......

give us our east end back

Not sure I agree with this. I agree that the over commercialisation of football is having a negative impact, but surely its always been the case that as a team does well it's gate will increase? It might be annoying for fans who were watching when the team was unsuccessful, but its hardly a modern development. I wonder what our average attendances during our 3 year plummet through the divisions were like for instance.

I gather that what the original post is getting at is that there are people in Bristol who currently call themselves Chelsea or Man U fans who would probably buy a premiership season ticket for Ashton Gate, which would be irritating, but I'm not sure what could be done to prevent it. The club wouldn't be able to demand that supporters produce ticket stubs from LDV games would they? I'd say that successful teams gaining 'supporters' is just part of football, or infact sport, and we'd have to put up with it. Hopefully we'll have to put up with it soon!

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Not sure I agree with this. I agree that the over commercialisation of football is having a negative impact, but surely its always been the case that as a team does well it's gate will increase? It might be annoying for fans who were watching when the team was unsuccessful, but its hardly a modern development. I wonder what our average attendances during our 3 year plummet through the divisions were like for instance.

I gather that what the original post is getting at is that there are people in Bristol who currently call themselves Chelsea or Man U fans who would probably buy a premiership season ticket for Ashton Gate, which would be irritating, but I'm not sure what could be done to prevent it. The club wouldn't be able to demand that supporters produce ticket stubs from LDV games would they? I'd say that successful teams gaining 'supporters' is just part of football, or infact sport, and we'd have to put up with it. Hopefully we'll have to put up with it soon!

Thankyou for a decent post...

My issue runs further than Football, 'Fairwhether people', 'bandwaggon jumpers', there's deep routed implications....

My problems projected are of no matter in reality, whatever though ...

It hurts me, but the long-term backbone support of this Club should be honoured and respected via being listened too-communication with, as it is by the current regieme they/we are shat on.

people bicker about meh meh meh-strikers.

bollox to that.

The People are being shat on.

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Thankyou for a decent post...

My issue runs further than Football, 'Fairwhether people', 'bandwaggon jumpers', there's deep routed implications....

My problems projected are of no matter in reality, whatever though ...

It hurts me, but the long-term backbone support of this Club should be honoured and respected via being listened too-communication with, as it is by the current regieme they/we are shat on.

people bicker about meh meh meh-strikers.

bollox to that.

The People are being shat on.

I think the problem we have is that the board know they have a captive audience. Unlike in any other business, their customers are not going to go to a competiter if they are not satisfied, so they don't go out of their way to improve relations with the fans. Now, it could be argued that this is the same at all football clubs, and to a certain extent it is. The reason why I feel many fans at our club, such as yourself, have become frustrated is that you get the impression that the first question the current board always asks isn't 'would this make the fans happy?' but 'would it make money?'

From this point of view the east end is a good example. If you only see the club as a list of entries on a balance sheet, you will look at the cost and say it shouldn't be opened. But if you see a football club as having a heart and a soul that belongs to the fans, you will say 'what the hell' and open it. That's what's missing from the current board: the ability to, once in a while, make a decision with the heart rather than the head. And thats why people will continue to be disenchanted with them.

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I think the problem we have is that the board know they have a captive audience. Unlike in any other business, their customers are not going to go to a competiter if they are not satisfied, so they don't go out of their way to improve relations with the fans. Now, it could be argued that this is the same at all football clubs, and to a certain extent it is. The reason why I feel many fans at our club, such as yourself, have become frustrated is that you get the impression that the first question the current board always asks isn't 'would this make the fans happy?' but 'would it make money?'

From this point of view the east end is a good example. If you only see the club as a list of entries on a balance sheet, you will look at the cost and say it shouldn't be opened. But if you see a football club as having a heart and a soul that belongs to the fans, you will say 'what the hell' and open it. That's what's missing from the current board: the ability to, once in a while, make a decision with the heart rather than the head. And thats why people will continue to be disenchanted with them.

Nial on head for me to there. I guess most bussiness is like that now a days though?

Thing about going to a competiter well that is pretty much never going to happen here as it is not like we have a Manchester United down the road.

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The reason why I feel many fans at our club, such as yourself, have become frustrated is that you get the impression that the first question the current board always asks isn't 'would this make the fans happy?' but 'would it make money?'

Nial on head for me to there. I guess most bussiness is like that now a days though?

Thing about going to a competiter well that is pretty much never going to happen here as it is not like we have a Manchester United down the road.

...and what The Club need to realise, and at the risk of repeating myself, is that whether Man Urinated were down the road or not would make no difference to the formentioned long-term backbone of this Club - and that is why the current regime are held by these people with such little respect.

Sorry to bring the mad man into this but ##### it, the man was onto something....


...away games only for me soon until they work it out.

Your original post is in agreement.

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...and what The Club need to realise, and at the risk of repeating myself, is that whether Man Urinated were down the road or not would make no difference to the formentioned long-term backbone of this Club - and that is why the current regime are held by these people with such little respect.

Sorry to bring the mad man into this but ##### it, the man was onto something....


...away games only for me soon until they work it out.

Your original post is in agreement.

I`m.......mystified ?

Every club in the world has a backbone of support. I lived in Wilts for many years and knew people who would go home n away folowing Salisbury. The rise n fall of attendance at the AG is nothing new and if we go up this year exactly the same will happen. I don`t predict a massive rise in ST holders, an increase on home attendance initially and then it`ll fluctuate depending on our performance on the pitch, with sell-outs for the attractive matches.

As far as those stay away supporters are concerned i`d put them into a couple of groups or even three ;

1. The glory hunters-Speaks for itself really, I have no time for them.

2. Out of Area fans-Some fans are able to make the season long commitment to travel to matches, many can`t and are more selective on their attendance and i can`t blame them. There have been a few performances at home when i`ve wished i`d had the excuse of an x00 mile round trip for not travelling.

3. Fans that cannot genuinely afford to go week in week out.

Football has never been cheap and there`s a question mark over whether you get value for money, because how can you put a value on 90 minutes where there are so many ways to get the same result, be it win, lose or draw. If you compare the price we pay to those that some Premiership clubs charge, we are getting off lightly - at the moment. Success has its price at all levels. Its that vicious circle. You do well, you have to spend to maintain that level and to push on again - you have to charge more.

To say the club has no regard for supporters of this club is ludicrous. The board has an obligation to the supporters to keep the club running, an experience that those of us who are old enough to remember must never be repeated. They will never be able to please everyone, thats obvious. They have to find a balance and IMO they`ve just about got it right.

I guess you`re just one of the ones they will never be able to please.


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To say the club has no regard for supporters of this club is ludicrous. The board has an obligation to the supporters to keep the club running, an experience that those of us who are old enough to remember must never be repeated. They will never be able to please everyone, thats obvious. They have to find a balance and IMO they`ve just about got it right.

apart from:

junior city strikers (no where to go, no away trips)

fans in the premier seating (now evicted)

east end fans (locked out)

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At least we all know who the proper City fans are. The 12,000-odd that are their week in-week out, Rain or shine and all that.

So you class me as not being a proper fan because I don't go week in week out, I live in Glasgow and don't facy a 800 mile round trip every week but I do pick and choose my games through the season also I go to a few away games when City are up North. Does that make me any less of a fan than you because I'm not at Ashton every week I think not, this is just the kind of short siighted post that annoy me.

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So you class me as not being a proper fan because I don't go week in week out, I live in Glasgow and don't facy a 800 mile round trip every week but I do pick and choose my games through the season also I go to a few away games when City are up North. Does that make me any less of a fan than you because I'm not at Ashton every week I think not, this is just the kind of short siighted post that annoy me.

Here here. I cant go every week due to comitments, but i do try and get to at least half, home and away each season. I made this point a while back and was ridiculed. Just becuase i don't have a season ticket, doesnt make me less loyal than those that have. Money talks. Lets say a chap buys a season ticket for the first time next season and has only been to AG twice before in his life, does that make him more loyal than somebody like me who trys to go at least twice a month and has travelled to most league grounds in the country over a course of 15 odd years watching city? I don't think so.

Anyway, i don't think this post originally started as a "I'm more loyal than you post" so i apologise.

Rant over

See you at donny!

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To say the club has no regard for supporters of this club is ludicrous.


They took an extra £50.00 from me for my ST in the Dullmoan on the basis that the EE was being demolished, resulting in a reduced capacity, and the three central blocks of the Dullmoan were being classed as a premier view. The demolition never happened so I politely asked for my money back. I was told I was not getting a refund and no explanation was given.

They certainly didn't appear to have any regard for me, or for the loyal fans that were kicked out of their seats in the Williams with no consultation.

They seem to have regard for the fans only when really put under pressure (EE petition). Would be nice if they actually done something for the fans off of their own back.

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As far as those stay away supporters are concerned i`d put them into a couple of groups or even three ;

1. The glory hunters-Speaks for itself really, I have no time for them.

2. Out of Area fans-Some fans are able to make the season long commitment to travel to matches, many can`t and are more selective on their attendance and i can`t blame them. There have been a few performances at home when i`ve wished i`d had the excuse of an x00 mile round trip for not travelling.

3. Fans that cannot genuinely afford to go week in week out

i thnk then i would fall in to the second and third points unfortunately. i am a student, so i have very little money, and live in manchester. My only real means of transport to AG would be train and if you've ever done this route you will know what a pain in the arse it is.

However i still try to as many games as i can afford, this consits mainly of away games and my decision about going to watch city is based on whether i can aford to go and not on who we are playing. one of my most enjoyable trips this season was to Rotherham because of the fans that are there.

If the club would do more to treat fans better i would be more inclined to save some money for home games aswell

So you class me as not being a proper fan because I don't go week in week out, I live in Glasgow and don't facy a 800 mile round trip every week but I do pick and choose my games through the season also I go to a few away games when City are up North. Does that make me any less of a fan than you because I'm not at Ashton every week I think not, this is just the kind of short siighted post that annoy me.

i don't think that there was intent to question the loyalty of fans who live long distances away from AG

i can only really go to home games when i come home or holidays

have only seen one home game this season and that was bournemouth, but will be going to Swansea and forest games as i'm back for easter. in the eyes of many this may make me a fair weather fan, but i would have gone to the games when i am at home no matter who the were against! But then surely i would have gone to the Middlebrough or Gas games, which i didn't

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Here here. I cant go every week due to comitments, but i do try and get to at least half, home and away each season. I made this point a while back and was ridiculed. Just becuase i don't have a season ticket, doesnt make me less loyal than those that have. Money talks. Lets say a chap buys a season ticket for the first time next season and has only been to AG twice before in his life, does that make him more loyal than somebody like me who trys to go at least twice a month and has travelled to most league grounds in the country over a course of 15 odd years watching city? I don't think so.

Anyway, i don't think this post originally started as a "I'm more loyal than you post" so i apologise.

Rant over

See you at donny!

completely agree. just because you can't go every week doesn't make you unloyal. For example many of my friends, a few years ago got Reading season tickets for something to do. At this time they were still in league 1 equivalent. It now annoys me how they claim to be keen reading supporters when one of them is a big Everton fan, another a crazy Sunderland fan.....need i go on. My point is that had they remaied i the same division would they still calim to be Reading fans??

Its not a case of how much you go...as too many going week in week out is unrealistic, its about sticking with your club through think and thin and being prouud to be a supporter.

there's my rant over aswell!

unfortunately can't go to Donny cos of prior arrangemnts, would have loved to be able to go!

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To be honest I expect me to get slaughterd for sharing this here but I am going to do it anyway. :englandsmile4wf:


As a Bristol City fan should I take comfort that we have the potential to attract 50,000 plus fans or am I right to feel a little bit bitter and worried that these fans just pour out of no where and a few weeks back half of them were giving me stick for supporting City.

Its a strange world.

Perhaps you're looking at the situation through the eyes of a die-hard supporter who "wonders why the support crawls out of the woodwork when there is a big game or the team has a successful run"?

Perhaps you need to look at it objectively from the "man in the street's point of view"?

If you're not a die-hard fan, perhaps you will only watch the team when there is something to watch?

Some people like to make sure that they at least have a chance of being entertained for their money. Can't see anything wrong in that.

However, I do accept the point that, sometimes, these occasional visitors to AG seem to get hard-to-get tickets, before the regular attendees. I believe that is wrong and the club should do more to allow the regular attendees to buy tickets.

I think non-STHs should retain their ticket stubs and be awarded a 'priority' level by the club, as they do for STH and various 'club' members. In this way, all regular attendees to AG will get the appropriate priority before the 'hangers-on' get a look-in.

I don't see what the problem is with 'Glory Hunters' or anyone else who wants to watch a game, as long as they do not get priority over the regular fans. All income should be welcomed.

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When you hear Niall Quinn on the TV sking the 10,000 Sunderland Fans who didn't renew their ST if they'd please come back, you know that Football has issues.

The Premiership has polarised football into haves and have nots and success means winning.

In all honesty, Bolton, Blackburn & Wigan have all had to reduce prices as punters have said enough's enough.The Man City fans berating their own players just goes to show that the worm's turning and until reality replaces greed and some sanity returns to football, then people will begin to walk away quicker than they arrive.

Let's face it, how many of our current fan base will still be here if City are in then Premiership and ST's are three times their current price?

Then again, City could fail, get relegated and fans walk away like the Rovers have.

I'm not an old man, however I can remember regular crowds of 15-25,000 at AG with Rovers getting around the 12-13,000 mark at Eastville.Those fans have all gone somewhere.And before someone says it, they haven't all died!

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Here here. I cant go every week due to comitments, but i do try and get to at least half, home and away each season. I made this point a while back and was ridiculed. Just becuase i don't have a season ticket, doesnt make me less loyal than those that have. Money talks. Lets say a chap buys a season ticket for the first time next season and has only been to AG twice before in his life, does that make him more loyal than somebody like me who trys to go at least twice a month and has travelled to most league grounds in the country over a course of 15 odd years watching city? I don't think so.

Anyway, i don't think this post originally started as a "I'm more loyal than you post" so i apologise.

Rant over

See you at donny!

Thats not even the discussion as you said really.

I know a few people that play other sports etc on a Saturday, live elsewhere or as said cant afford to pay that much every week or one lump sum at the start of the season, the issue is not with them at all.

In fact I don't even know if I had a issue but it has caused some good debate so hey ho.

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I`m.......mystified ?

Every club in the world has a backbone of support. I lived in Wilts for many years and knew people who would go home n away folowing Salisbury. The rise n fall of attendance at the AG is nothing new and if we go up this year exactly the same will happen. I don`t predict a massive rise in ST holders, an increase on home attendance initially and then it`ll fluctuate depending on our performance on the pitch, with sell-outs for the attractive matches.

As far as those stay away supporters are concerned i`d put them into a couple of groups or even three ;

1. The glory hunters-Speaks for itself really, I have no time for them.

2. Out of Area fans-Some fans are able to make the season long commitment to travel to matches, many can`t and are more selective on their attendance and i can`t blame them. There have been a few performances at home when i`ve wished i`d had the excuse of an x00 mile round trip for not travelling.

3. Fans that cannot genuinely afford to go week in week out.

Football has never been cheap and there`s a question mark over whether you get value for money, because how can you put a value on 90 minutes where there are so many ways to get the same result, be it win, lose or draw. If you compare the price we pay to those that some Premiership clubs charge, we are getting off lightly - at the moment. Success has its price at all levels. Its that vicious circle. You do well, you have to spend to maintain that level and to push on again - you have to charge more.

To say the club has no regard for supporters of this club is ludicrous. The board has an obligation to the supporters to keep the club running, an experience that those of us who are old enough to remember must never be repeated. They will never be able to please everyone, thats obvious. They have to find a balance and IMO they`ve just about got it right.

I guess you`re just one of the ones they will never be able to please.


I see this thread has captured more positive input...can't read now unfortunately........

I can be and am pleased in relativety to some of the moaning, negative comment on here...

It's just, the original poster ignited something about genuine true support not being recognised or rewarded..

To me this arises some very close-to-home point's. The East End and the lack of atmosphere/fun matchday experiance contemporarily flies to the forfront of the mind, it's not so much the East End (although it is really), it's the perceived lack of empathy and co-operation towards what is and has been in the passed proved to be the (I now quote) 'backbone support' of this Club. When since 1982 have The People organised themselves and wanted/needed a result to such an extent ? What is the Club's attitude towards it all ? Disgusting. imo.

I'm not naive enough to realise that my idealism's and the pratical logistic's of running a Football Club neccessarilly coincide, however, I'm not the only one to feel that small and very possible gesture's could improve the atonement, but the current board are living in a different sphere.

If the fact that there's a movement to create an 'away day society' doesn't start ringing alarm bells with them then that does worry me because I doubt the current lot would care..... SL maybe, his advisers, no.

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