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if we groundshare with the sags..

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Guest east_dundry_red

I know a few that would stop watching city if we had to share our ground with those muppets. They should go to swindon and play there, simple as we don't want them on our pitch and can you amagin what they would do with our ground before they leave/

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I suspect the club will play us along for a bit with the possibility of Rovers coming, so that when they announce that the rugby club is coming instead people will see it as the lesser of two evils and be more relieved than angry.

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My only concern with the rugby club playing at the gate would be the state of the pitch, and the sags would be even worse! All those clod kicking, basement players will ruin the pitch!

Remember, hopefully we will be playing Championship football against teams that play on superb pitches, and we don't want a pitch more akin to a sunday league pitch. :protest:

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Everyone is talking about the pitch, but what about the actual stadium, they'll vandalise it as much as possible with Sag graffiti etc etc!

Keep them well away i say.

From a saghead point of view they'll be thinking it's not theirs so they wouldn't respect it one bit, the minority would trash the place week in, week out.

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The conversation should be

Dunford : Alright steve, do you mind if we borrow your ground for a little while. We will look after it.

Lansdown : No

Dunford : alright Steve mate, mind if we borrow for 18 months

Lansdown : Not really a good idea Dunford, beside's whats in it for me?

Dunford : Well we will chuck you a silver piece now and 0.5% of our league gates, hows about it pal?

Lansdown : (Dreaming of the silver coin)

Dunford : Well Stevey old pal, chap best chum?

Lansdown : Oh, sorry was dreaming about more money, well sure my friend, I don't see a problem with that!

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I suspect the club will play us along for a bit with the possibility of Rovers coming, so that when they announce that the rugby club is coming instead people will see it as the lesser of two evils and be more relieved than angry.

In a way i would rather have the Rovers than the Rugby because, even though both will ruin the pitch, the Rugby will ruin it more the the Rovers. I don't want either! Ashton Gate is the home of Bristol City FC. Not Bristol Rovers FC and/or Bristol Rugby FC. End of!

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i think you will find that it will be the rugby that we share with. SL will use the situation to drive up the price the city will get. Bristol RFC will probably bring 14000 gates, plus food and beer sales. Bristol rovers will bring 6000, plague diptheria and a nasty tang to the air. It would pay to mess about the rovers, as in the mind of SL they are the competition for the "floating" fan base that the city will need to perpetuate their stay in the championship, so he can put the boot in now.

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In a way i would rather have the Rovers than the Rugby because, even though both will ruin the pitch, the Rugby will ruin it more the the Rovers. I don't want either! Ashton Gate is the home of Bristol City FC. Not Bristol Rovers FC and/or Bristol Rugby FC. End of!

Rugby is played on the Doncaster pitch and it was like a snooker table on Saturday - in absolutely superb nick.

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Bristol rovers will bring 6000, plague diptheria and a nasty tang to the air.

6,000 :rofl2br: they don't even get that now, if they come here i think they would be playing in front of 3,500 :yes: Would they be allowed use of the R&W bar or would Robbored make them become members of the supporters club? :fish: but i don't think they will be coming here anyway.

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the reason i asked the question was because a lot of fans have put a lot of loyalty and money in to the club. if it was agreed that we would ground share, it would be like a total stab in the back. it will show that there is no feelings towards the fans of this club at all and would be an absolute disgrace.

What do you think vocal protests are for? Staying away isnt going to help the team on the pitch is it?

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it wouldn't stop us going but we wouldn't be too happy about it.

one thing though it would be nice to use the gas money to buy new players

or up grade the ground etc. the gas fans wouldn't be too happy helping

city out.

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Will Rovers fans not get a say in where they play next season? There'd be uproar from them if Dunford just moved them into AG without some sort of consultation. I would guess the vast majority of gasheads would prefer to return to Twerton than come to us, where they'd be lucky to get over 4000.

Personally, I don't care if they come to us or not, but as someone wrote above, I realise I'm in the minority on this one.

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