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Sharing The Ground & One Team In Bristol

Bristol Boy

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great article, i hope as somebody else suggested this idea of sharing with the squatters is bluster aimed at making the rugby ground share more palatable to city fans.

I don't have a problem with the rugby. well it's not great but i suppose its a useful revenue stream.

No problem with sweating the asset, a;ways providing that it's fit for the purpose.The pitch is the main factor for me and the revenue from an eighteen month share should easily cover that and more with Bristol Rugby picking up matchday costs and a share of the maintainance.

Clearly, if The Gas are involved, which I for one hope they're not, fumagation is another cost that needs to be taken into account. :D

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Superbly written article as usual, but with one drawback, the analogy you draw with Celtic and Rangers is wrong, theirs is a hatred based on secterianism which makes our rivalry with Rovers seem like a squabble at nursery in comparison and god forbid it ever gets like that here.

However, I say keep em out and the egg chasers. Rovers had a good stadium once and ****ed it up with greed and a hint of corruption, allegedly!, why should we help em, would they ever help us?

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Superbly written article as usual, but with one drawback, the analogy you draw with Celtic and Rangers is wrong, theirs is a hatred based on secterianism which makes our rivalry with Rovers seem like a squabble at nursery in comparison and god forbid it ever gets like that here.

However, I say keep em out and the egg chasers. Rovers had a good stadium once and ****ed it up with greed and a hint of corruption, allegedly!, why should we help em, would they ever help us?

The analogy is the same in the way that I've used it on this occassion, in the sense that it just wouldn't happen if either club went under.The religous conotation to the Glasgow situation is something I have expereinced personally on many many occassions after serving in the RAF in an entry that consisted almost entirely of Jocks & Geordies!!

The hatred between Rovers & City is based on something far more irrational :D

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