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PC Help!


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Not sure if any PC wiz's are about, but maybe someone can identify a slight problem i have

I've just bought a new hard drive and installed XP and all seems fine.

weirdly though whenever i try to DL anything, (i usually save it to desktop and install it from there), but i cant becuase i can only seem to DL and save the the name of the programme or a small icon, i don't seem to be able to start the download propper

and whever i try to open it, it beeps and says its not a valid WIN32 file...wtf?

for some reason aswell my harddrive is now my H drive, not my C drive as it was if thats makes any differance

Stupid computers, if anyone can help at all it would be much appreciated, i've looked as best i can on tinternet, but i'm stupid.


Mr Hider

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I don;t think it's downloaed properly I think it's cut out early I used to have that can't remember what the solution was though.... Are you using a wireless router?

Yeah i am useing a router actually, i just got it....hmmm

4 hrs later....BINGO! i reset the firewall and now it works, GRRR dam router and firewall rules! :wacko:

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