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Thee official.............

Dolman Block B

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:yahoo: AWAY AWAY AWAY BRISTOL CITY............. :yahoo:

Erm we're at home today? :innocent06:

I am trying really hard to get excited about the game today, expect its cos ive been away and havent had all the build up this week.

Come on you reds!!!!

(did that sound enthusiastic enough?)

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Erm we're at home today?

I am trying really hard to get excited about the game today, expect its cos ive been away and havent had all the build up this week.

Come on you reds!!!!

(did that sound enthusiastic enough?)

Louder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Believe:

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He is S hes sensational he is H hes heroic he is OOOOOOOOOOOOOO WUMNI!!!!!


Tremendous effort Dolly, after that surely Enoch will be inspired to plough a destructive lone furrow through the Forest defence, bulge their net, leave Calderwood in tears and the City fans Dooby Doo-ing. Great stuff. :fingerscrossed::city:

Dolly's done her bit, DO IT ENOCH.

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He is S hes sensational he is H hes heroic he is OOOOOOOOOOOOOO WUMNI!!!!!

(and if that doesnt do it, nothing will, I'm still claiming the assist for most of our away wins this season)

Now where is bucksred to slate little Lee (all for the cause you understand), and then I'll defend him. Between the 3 of us we've claimed a few important assists this season haven't we!


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Morning Arny, woken up with an optimistic spring in your step this sunny morning?

Spring in my step?

Honestly, went to bed quite late, and around 3 30am was tossing (not literatley) and turning and thinking about the game.

Its massive, and a win I'm sure will as good as secure a promotion place.

Nerves..of steel..... :crying:

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Spring in my step?

Honestly, went to bed quite late, and around 3 30am was tossing (not literatley) and turning and thinking about the game.

Its massive, and a win I'm sure will as good as secure a promotion place.

Nerves..of steel..... :crying:

Don't worry Arny, Forest will be like a red rag to the City raging Bull.

OLE! OLE! OLE! :trumpet: :tongue:

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