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This is a disgracefull record

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If I ever hear anyone talk about Bristol being a sleeping giant

I'll scream,I have heard the above comment since I wa a young'un,and that was

in a Galaxy far far away.

As the giant has been dead a long time or he needs a good kicking

I digress,interesting article in the National independent this week

Bristol is the largest town(420,000) never to have won the top flight league

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If I ever hear anyone talk about Bristol being a sleeping giant

I'll scream,I have heard the above comment since I wa a young'un,and that was

in a Galaxy far far away.

As the giant has been dead a long time or he needs a good kicking

I digress,interesting article in the National independent this week

Bristol is the largest town(420,000) never to have won the top flight league

Is that because we are a sleeping giant......oops, sorry :noexpression:

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If I ever hear anyone talk about Bristol being a sleeping giant

I'll scream,I have heard the above comment since I wa a young'un,and that was

in a Galaxy far far away.

As the giant has been dead a long time or he needs a good kicking

I digress,interesting article in the National independent this week

Bristol is the largest town(420,000) never to have won the top flight league

Also biggest citynot to have a team in the prem

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Reason- fickle nature of Bristol public. and while on sorry to disagree with SL for once- I have no ambition for the club to be the Manchester United of anything- I have an ambition for Bristol City to compete with the best clubs in Europe but like Man U nah!

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Guest ashtonyate
Reason- fickle nature of Bristol public. and while on sorry to disagree with SL for once- I have no ambition for the club to be the Manchester United of anything- I have an ambition for Bristol City to compete with the best clubs in Europe but like Man U nah!

Here we go again its the fans fault what a load of crap I think City are very lucky to have the fans base they have the club has had a load of people at the top who could not organise a drunk in a brewery.Its unbelievable that we are still in the old third division after all these years Don't have a dig at the fans they are the best bit about this Club.

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Here we go again its the fans fault what a load of crap I think City are very lucky to have the fans base they have the club has had a load of people at the top who could not organise a drunk in a brewery.Its unbelievable that we are still in the old third division after all these years Don't have a dig at the fans they are the best bit about this Club.

Don't agree myself. I think the fans really do hold this club back. We must have the most negative fans in the whole country. Any mistake by one player (especially if it is the player that it is in fashion to hate, i.e. at the moment it is Lee Johnson, previous examples I can think of off the top of my head are Aaron Brown and Joe Burnell), and the whole crowd is on their backs. It really can't help. Just like the England fans have been criticised by Harry Redknapp recently for getting on the players backs in Andorra, we are pretty much the same. We expect too much.

Also, despite being second in the league, people still come on here to moan about Gary Johnson not signing players for the sake of it on transfer deadline day, or after winning but not playing champagne football. Sure you wouldn't see that at any other club that are second in their league. And the amount of times I've been down Ashton Gate and had a couple of idiots sat behind me who just moan for the entire 90 minutes is unbelievable. And if we lose today, no doubt there will be people all round the ground saying "thats it. thats our season over". It just frustrates me. Hopefully, if we get promoted, the weight of expectation will be lifted as we will be where many fans (myself included) feel we should be playing, in the championship.

Anyway, rant over. Cmon City!

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for a City our size we have a remarkably low core support- same with cricket, rugby any sport you care to look at - when Manchester City fell from the top they regularly had huge crowds as we descended the leagues crowds dwindled- yes there are other issues but in my view an important reason we are not a top flight team is indeed the lack of a sizabe committed all weather fan base.

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Don't agree myself. I think the fans really do hold this club back. We must have the most negative fans in the whole country. Any mistake by one player (especially if it is the player that it is in fashion to hate, i.e. at the moment it is Lee Johnson, previous examples I can think of off the top of my head are Aaron Brown and Joe Burnell), and the whole crowd is on their backs. It really can't help. Just like the England fans have been criticised by Harry Redknapp recently for getting on the players backs in Andorra, we are pretty much the same. We expect too much.

Anyway, rant over. Cmon City!

Lee Peacock, Christian Roberts, even Tommy Doc in spells

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