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Ashton Gate


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I would say he isn't far off with his comments.

They were in the worst stand for luxury accomodation, a hole in the ground to pee in and one small food kiosk, certainly not worthy of the standard of league football we are at, my local club has better facilities than that, and with all the money that has gone into football since the 90s, the staff car park is the only place that has improved in that time, and we are not talking tarmac either.

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I would say he isn't far off with his comments.

They were in the worst stand for luxury accomodation, a hole in the ground to pee in and one small food kiosk, certainly not worthy of the standard of league football we are at, my local club has better facilities than that, and with all the money that has gone into football since the 90s, the staff car park is the only place that has improved in that time, and we are not talking tarmac either.

oh the poor little dears, just thinking about them and the ordeal they went through brings a little tear to my eye.

No luxury? we must get some prawn sandwiches sent to them immediately, preferably on a silver tray with our deepest apology.

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I certainly wouldn't call it a dump, but funnily enough, I found myself looking around at AG on Saturday and noticing how run down it's beginning to look.

I then found myself wondering what it would cost to spray the stand roofs to make it look red, as (purely from an aesthetic point of view) I think it would make a massive difference.

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