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Millwall away?


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Well, going by what ive read on numerous forums and from what ive heard, it looks as if we will be given about 2,000 tickets for this game. Does anyone know when we may hear about them going on sale? I'm due to go on holiday on the 12th (Yes, I know, I miss the Yeovile game....very, VERY disapointed, buts its my own fault for being thick and booking a holiday during the football season!). I just hope the tickets go on sale before I go as I really want to do this game


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You don't deserve to go, if you booked a holiday during the football season. And I suppose its with the wife/girlfriend? Dear god....

Tell me about it, if I could....I would happily beat myself up :comando:

However, having had a season ticket for god knows how many years, and travelled far and wide watching the mighty reds.....I think my mistake should be forgiven, and a trip to the Lions Den should be allowed :yes:

Ill be flying the :englandsmile4wf: in the Carribean trust me

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2,000 will be the initial allocation and in the Upper Tier. The away stand holds around 4,000 so I'd hope we would also get the lower tier without restrictions.

It is very unlikely we shall receive tickets for the lower tier.

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Does anyone have an idea on when the Millwall tickets will be released?

just been on the phone to the ticket office ,andthe millwall tickets will go on sale from next week,we shall be given 2000 and it will be priority based,ie st holders ,,don't look like il be going then :noexpression:

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Are Millwall restricting us to 2k I wonder. City will know that we will take more than that for what will be another vital game and I'm sure would take as many tickets as possible from our hosts.

2000 is also what she told me at the millwall ticket office when i rang them last week ,she also said that is was defo 2000

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I think they would be daft not to open up the lower tier if demand dictates it.

IF Millwall have nothing to play for they'll have a half empty home end.

IF we are still right in it then we could take 4,000 with ease.

Be such a shame if we are limited to under 2000.

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Holidays during the footy season, mrs about to drop during the season! There is a serious lack of planning going on.

Holidays are for summer and get yer mrs pregnant in October hence missing no footy!

Only joking,have a blinding time and hope all goes well with the little City fan.

C'MON CITY!!!!!!!

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2,000 will be the initial allocation and in the Upper Tier. The away stand holds around 4,000 so I'd hope we would also get the lower tier without restrictions.

Bit surprised that the Wall fans on rivals aren't sure if it is opened or who makes the decision!

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I don't think we can say for sure that they won't open the lower tier if demand dictates (which it will).

Where there's money to be made there's usually a way....

I'm not so sure, they havent opened it for Forest and on top of that, its last game of the season. You know how these games go, if the fans "decide" to have the usual pitch invasion that happens at a lot of grounds last game of the season....with our history, ti could cause major problems with the City fans in the lower tier

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Well if i cant get an away ticket due to no priority, my dad has priority on millwall tickets due to being a shareholder there for some reason, so looks like could be the home end that day if we don't get more than 2k away allocation. i don't i would be brave/daft enough to wear any red that day in the home end, especially if we could be going up that day :fingerscrossed: .

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Or has a deathwish, like swimming with pirhanas!!!!!


As long as your sensible in the home end when your team is playing away its alright. At yeovil and swansea this season sat in the home end i got in no trouble, not that we had much to shout about in them games. If u sit there like your a neutral nothing will happen especially if your not in red. I managed to do it everytime we played at Peterborough where i was sat in my season ticket seat everytime they played us, i even wore my city shirt in the home end one day when not palying city only reaction i got was there s**t as i was leaving the ground.

Most abuse i got from being a nuetral this season was up at Hull against Cardiff, and not showing enough yorkshire pride i think it was. If i'd of been sat in an area singing anti cardiff songs i would of joined in, but werent.

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As long as your sensible in the home end when your team is playing away its alright. At yeovil and swansea this season sat in the home end i got in no trouble, not that we had much to shout about in them games. If u sit there like your a neutral nothing will happen especially if your not in red. I managed to do it everytime we played at Peterborough where i was sat in my season ticket seat everytime they played us, i even wore my city shirt in the home end one day when not palying city only reaction i got was there s**t as i was leaving the ground.

Most abuse i got from being a nuetral this season was up at Hull against Cardiff, and not showing enough yorkshire pride i think it was. If i'd of been sat in an area singing anti cardiff songs i would of joined in, but werent.

Sorry mate, but however sensible you try to be, sitting in the Millwall home end is never going to be a sensible option, to sit in there as a City fan last game of the season, would be suicidal (well crazy at least) in my opinion. This will be nothing like Yeovil and Swansea.

U Reds !!!!

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