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Food for thought


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Ok, bear with me on this one.

A while back we were getting the points and there were a fairly large number of posts about lack of entertainment etc.

I've just read this on the bbc site about Man Utd being entertaining and someone bemoaning Chelsea being workmanlike...

Chelsea's job is not to entertain armchair spectators. Chelsea's job is to win for their supporters. And win they have. Mourinho has found a formula and it has worked spectacularly well. Remember they are the new kids on the block. This is uncharted territory for the club and the fans. I would love to see them play like ManU but don't begrudge Chelsea for employing a more gritty approach.

Football is not about entertainment. If it was it would not have the profile it has. The majority of games, even in the Premiership, are a disappointment. Football is about winning and losing, about stories unfolding, about cities, countries and communities competing for glory. And it is primarily about the fans, even now in these times of corporate sponsorship and satellite television. The fans built football and they sustain it. All they care about, by and large, is winning. Entertainment is just an added bonus.

Thoughts? Are we too hard to please this year? Is GJ paying for his predecessors inability by us being too cynical and apathetic?

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Gj's paying for years of false dawns. We perhaps have an expectation level too high and the expectation to get promoted out of this "rubbish" league has built and built.

We're not Chelsea because we do play highly entertaining football with perhaps no end product. More Arsenal ish. Their fans are still whinging for a striker too! We also sign up and coming players rather than established stars. Neither Chelsea or Arsenal fans have been calling for their managers' head though as we have.

I hope the finishing third or fourth paralell doesn't happen though!

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Gj's paying for years of false dawns. We perhaps have an expectation level too high and the expectation to get promoted out of this "rubbish" league has built and built.

We're not Chelsea because we do play highly entertaining football with perhaps no end product. More Arsenal ish. Their fans are still whinging for a striker too! We also sign up and coming players rather than established stars. Neither Chelsea or Arsenal fans have been calling for their managers' head though as we have.

I hope the finishing third or fourth paralell doesn't happen though!

Well there was certainly a chorus of disapproval not so long ago about the lack of entertainment. It seems some people want results plus entertainment, which is maybe a bit unrealistic. Those kind of comments certainly have died down recently though - perhaps given the nerves at this time of year any kind of win will do!

It will be interesting to see if the floating voters, who were also credited with staying away due to lack of entertainment will come back at the end of the season even if the games don't become beautiful to watch

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