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Fan's Derby 2007 - Now Thursday 24th May. Ko 7.30


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Hey all just a heads up about the up coming Bristol fan's Derby the match is on the Thursday 24th May Thursday 7:30 KO The mem. This has been changed from 10th May. Please lets get behind this years charity and break some records.

Donation link here or you can contact We8gas or Seamills red to send donation .




p.s can amod pin this please.

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Time again has come for us to lift the Bristol fans derby throphy. This years venue will be ....at the memorial ground and all funds raised got o The Jessie may Trust .Please if any one is interested in haveing a small advert in the match day programme or can help out with promoting the event please pm me ,I know this isnt strictly city related but this forum is the most viewed.

Please help us to make this a record year and bring back the throphy once more!!

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Any fans and forumite's are encouraged to come along and support the

City boy's in their quest to retain the trophy won last year at Ashton Gate.

The last time we played at the Mem in 2005 there were around 700 supporters

there, virtually all Sags so we need some Reds to drown them out!!

Entry is free and all that is asked of you is to throw a bit of money in the

collection buckets.

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Any fans and forumite's are encouraged to come along and support the

City boy's in their quest to retain the trophy won last year at Ashton Gate.

The last time we played at the Mem in 2005 there were around 700 supporters

there, virtually all Sags so we need some Reds to drown them out!!

Entry is free and all that is asked of you is to throw a bit of money in the

collection buckets.

Thursday May 10th yeah? What time is kick off?

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Don't forget lads that this is the only chance we have this year (and for many years to come, with our imminent promotion to the Championship :fingerscrossed: ) to avenge our defeat in the LDV.... So get along to the game, sponsor some players, donate to the link below and if you're feeling particularly generous and you have anything to donate for a raffle prize get PMing me or one of the other lads involved!

P.S. Can all BFD players please get accross to the BFD forum and let us know if you're available for our upcoming fixtures!?

Thanks all, and peace out! :winner_third_h4h:

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If any of you have seen any of the previous Bristol Fans Derby's then speak

up and let others know that it's a good laugh and a good event to come along

and support.

At Ashton Gate last season we had a few cheerleaders in the crowd

(think it was dollymarie, Robins72, Ron, etc) which spurred us on!!

It's all for a great cause, over £8,000 was raised last year which is a huge amount to try and beat!

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One and all...

Thus far, through our online campaign alone we have raised £55.

BFD 2007 Justgiving.com

Last year we raised £1,278 through online donations alone which helped us reach the £8000 mark as a grand total.

BFD 2006 Justgiving.com

This really is a worthwhile cause and donations big or small really will make a difference to the lives of those aided by the Jessie May Trust.

Please, Please, Please... if you can do even just one of the below, it would be great:-

*Make a donation online -

*Turn up to the event -

*Sponsor a player -

*Advertise your company/business in the program and on bristolfansderby.co.uk -

* Copy the code below into your forum signature:

<iframe src="http://www.justgiving.com/rss/getfundraisingPage2.asp?EventGivingGroupId=690474" width="195px" height="322px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 

All of the above are just a few options you can choose from to support the BFD and the Jessie May Trust.

City have the trophy, following a 2-1 victory at Ashton Gate last year...support us at the Mem and help us retain it for the Reds!

Thanks for your help and if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

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A great night out for the kids , a free game of Bristol fans derby ,what more could you want? ,Miss the LDV game then here's yur chance to see a

replay....Of sorts.

With possible geust from either football club and yur chance to get a autograph or 2 ...


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This all sounds abit desperate to get donations and support the event, but it is a good way fo raising money for a Bristol charity and a family night.

We are the holders of the trophy after a 2-1 win at Ashton Gate last year, we want to keep it in the Red half of Bristol.

Please support in anyway you can.

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I'm sure me and Robins can drag ourselves along again. :winner_third_h4h:

And I've been to the last 4!

A good evening out for good causes. The Fans play with as much passion and determination as their namesakes. Everybody involved works really hard, training, getting sponsors and promoting the game etc. All we have to do is give up an evening and a few quid, easy. So do it!


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The terrible trio can have a girl power thing going on together somewhere on the night then hey, as we have to pay our second visit to the mammary ground in a year.

It will only be my first visit there this year, but I'll bring my family, you and Lisa bring you and yours...between the 3 of us we'll just have about what is known as a 'crowd' at that ground!

Wonder if they'll enjoy our 'we are up, you're not you're not' chants!!!


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It will only be my first visit there this year, but I'll bring my family, you and Lisa bring you and yours...between the 3 of us we'll just have about what is known as a 'crowd' at that ground!

Wonder if they'll enjoy our 'we are up, you're not you're not' chants!!!


Well I think they will be more concerned about :D travelling to Swindon or Cheltenham next season Mary

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One and all...

Thus far, through our online campaign alone we have raised £55.

BFD 2007 Justgiving.com

Last year we raised £1,278 through online donations alone which helped us reach the £8000 mark as a grand total.

BFD 2006 Justgiving.com

This really is a worthwhile cause and donations big or small really will make a difference to the lives of those aided by the Jessie May Trust.

Please, Please, Please... if you can do even just one of the below, it would be great:-

*Make a donation online -

*Turn up to the event -

*Sponsor a player -

*Advertise your company/business in the program and on bristolfansderby.co.uk -

* Copy the code below into your forum signature:

<iframe src="http://www.justgiving.com/rss/getfundraisingPage2.asp?EventGivingGroupId=690474" width="195px" height="322px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 

All of the above are just a few options you can choose from to support the BFD and the Jessie May Trust.

City have the trophy, following a 2-1 victory at Ashton Gate last year...support us at the Mem and help us retain it for the Reds!

Thanks for your help and if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

What's the latest on the online donations Matt?

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A lot of people, myself included will be chipping in by putting money in one of the buckets at the game, but the online route is great for those who cant get there on the night.

A very valid point you make there!

Donations Online or Offline will do just fine in bumping up our total, and greatly appreciated.

We're hoping it will be a record breaking year. :winner_third_h4h:

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Matt, just thought i'd check the 2007 donation link and it didn't work.

Could this be why no more money has been raised or is this temporary?

Greg, it seems to be working OK for me. You can try going directly to the sponsor page via: www.justgiving.com/bfd2007

You have to click on the 'Donate Now' area, or it will direct you to another part of justgiving.com

If you get to the page and it still doesn't work, pm me, and I'll get in-touch with JustGiving.

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Greg, it seems to be working OK for me. You can try going directly to the sponsor page via: www.justgiving.com/bfd2007

You have to click on the 'Donate Now' area, or it will direct you to another part of justgiving.com

If you get to the page and it still doesn't work, pm me, and I'll get in-touch with JustGiving.

That link is fine Matt, I just think the URL is wrong on your link further up the thread as I definitely can't get it to work - there appears to be two 'http's' in the url!!. No matter, as long as it works for everyone else!

Come on City fans, if you are not going to the actual game itself, this is a very worthy charity who rely solely on donations as they receive no statutory funding what so ever. Please give online if you can, and we'll do our best to avenge the derby defeat at the Mem this season.

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