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1st time in 6 years since i watched city


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had no one to go with tbh all mates support the gas sorted now though hopefully get a season ticket next year

"mates that support the gas" :gasmask::w00t: ditch them;

P.S what is tbh a disease :dunno:

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Oh and Danny Wilsons been gone a while now. :innocent06:

Shame we are not staying in this league as we could be meeting up with the prolific Peacock :drunk2: and Roberts :shutup:

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We are all a bit nuts round here, I'm sure you'll get used to us, but then as you're a City fan you kind of have to be a bit mad to survive.

P.S. we won the LDV trophy as well. Last Bristol team to do so I would like to point out.

There is ONLY ONE TEAM in Bristol :city:

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Yep not much has changed really. Still in the same league but hopefully that is about to change. The gas are still crap. Louis Carey and Scott Murray are still here although both left for a while but soon realised Ashton Gate is there spiritual home. Steve Phillips now plays for the sags.

Ashton Gate hasn't really changed much, Maybe a lick of pain here and there but that's it.

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Yep not much has changed really. Still in the same league but hopefully that is about to change. The gas are still crap. Louis Carey and Scott Murray are still here although both left for a while but soon realised Ashton Gate is there spiritual home. Steve Phillips now plays for the sags.

Ashton Gate hasn't really changed much, Maybe a lick of pain here and there but that's it.

A lick of pain? I cant be sure whether that sounds masochisticly fun or just plain terrible.

Oh, and have we changed that "spider's web" kit yet? How is Andy Cole playing? I cant see Keith Welch on the player profiles page...

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Oh and Danny Wilsons been gone a while now. :innocent06:

Whaaaat????? why wasnt I told, me being his biggest fan and all. Why did he go, was it the pasties agaain, or was it a divorce between Danny and the Dugout upright? :noexpression:

sack the board etc etc...... :disapointed2se:

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Oh and Danny Wilsons been gone a while now. :innocent06:

You ought to try telling that to the bloke who sits in front of me; he still sings 'Walking in a Wilson Wonderland' at every game!

Actually, scratch that. He's a big - erm, chap! I wouldn't risk it if I were you...

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