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Tristan Plummer


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I know hes still young and we are afriad he may leave but surely hes got to be on the bench now.

I cant see how he wont be any better than the crap we are playing upfront at the moment.

I'm sure he could come on and have a positive impact for us. Hes pacy and will be looking to make an impression.

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I was thinking this yesterday - if the guy is going to sign elsewhere, then why not play him while we at least still hold his academy registration?

If he signs for City its an added bonus.

We have nothing to loose by sticking him on the bench, and everything to gain if he pops up with a goal in the last few games.

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Dolls said yesterday the deal is on the table he just hasnt signed yet. Keeping his options open I think. Maybe hes waiting to see if we go up?


Would have thought he would sign a deal with the club that have probably made him the player he is.

Sounds like the next Liam Rosinior too me.


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Would have thought he would sign a deal with the club that have probably made him the player he is.

Sounds like the next Liam Rosinior too me.


It's all to do with agents, they want the best deal for them selfs not the player. Feel sorry for Plummer because I'm sure he would love to be playing first team football like any other pro in the game of football but he probly has his agent in his ear saying "Don't sign and in a year you will be playing in the Prem with Arsenal and in the CL pushing for a England Cap, which is somthing you are never going to get here!"

They are going to be the death of football players one day agents! :ranting:

Unless of course i've got this completly wrong and it's Plummer that doesn't want to be here, and if so then get rid of him!

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Dolls said yesterday the deal is on the table he just hasnt signed yet. Keeping his options open I think. Maybe hes waiting to see if we go up?

I was told on Thursday, by a "source very close to the family" that - much to the anger of the City management - Tristran will defintely not be signing for City. He is considering a number of options but is likely to opt for Everton.

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I think he should be played he is 1 of the hottest prosspects this club has seen & as some1 said we hold his registration so we should give the lad an oppertunity. If he has a contract on the table he is not signing for some reason thats his choice but it is up to GJ to pick his best team & i belive he seriously should be considerd. If he plays & scores the goals that get us up then leaves us for another team he would of served his purpose & it would of been us that gave him his chance. As far as I'm concerned promotion is a must & if it means playing the lad & showcasing his talents then so be it

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I've never watched him play but the boy sounds like such a talent. A quick google search brings up threads from liverpool and arsenal forums, discussing him.

I really hope we manage to keep hold of him, and wonder just how much of a bearing his brother/ agent will have on whether he signs a new contact or not.

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Any update on this situation from those in the know with his mother in law / granny etc etc

Ok never seen the guy play but it's very frustrating to hear about all this potential and then hear the lad could decide to slip away.

He is going to Everton will not be signing new contract here.

Murrey offered two year contract at Bournemouth,who want Noble as well.

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Sounds like the next Liam Rosinior too me.


You mean an ambitious youngster keen to make his mark at the highest level in the game who has become an ever present in a Premiership team and an England Under 21 International - something he would never have achieved with City over the same period?

Obviously it would be great to hold on to talents like Plummer, but given a choice between staying here or joining a premiership club who can offer more money, better training facilities etc there is not one footballer in the country who would choose to stay at City, whatever his agent might say.

The only way we will hang on to our young stars is by getting to that level too, and giving them the chance to fulfill their dreams at Ashton Gate. Until then we will have to get used to situations like this and hope we can get the best possible deal when he leaves.

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You mean an ambitious youngster keen to make his mark at the highest level in the game who has become an ever present in a Premiership team and an England Under 21 International - something he would never have achieved with City over the same period?

Obviously it would be great to hold on to talents like Plummer, but given a choice between staying here or joining a premiership club who can offer more money, better training facilities etc there is not one footballer in the country who would choose to stay at City, whatever his agent might say.

The only way we will hang on to our young stars is by getting to that level too, and giving them the chance to fulfill their dreams at Ashton Gate. Until then we will have to get used to situations like this and hope we can get the best possible deal when he leaves.

Am I too naive to ask for a bit of loyalty?

It wouldn't be a massive inconvenience for him to sign a 2 year contract, work his arse off in the first team for a year and move on slightly later for a substantial transfer fee rather then going for pennies.

If you ask me a move now is a slap in the face after we have given him top class coaching and guidance.

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Am I too naive to ask for a bit of loyalty?

It wouldn't be a massive inconvenience for him to sign a 2 year contract, work his arse off in the first team for a year and move on slightly later for a substantial transfer fee rather then going for pennies.

If you ask me a move now is a slap in the face after we have given him top class coaching and guidance.

If the lad is holding out for bigger things, then maybe if he were to get on the field, his thoughts/agents thoughts may be; 'don't get your self injured son, when the deal with the big fish is in the bag'..... just an idea why we may not see him at AG.... sucks if possibly true.

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We will be compensated more fairly with Plummer, should he choose to leave as we have actually offered him a contract. I think there was a major c**k-up with the Rosenior situation as we didn't offer him a contract by a certain date and that pretty much left him free to leave - although I think we eventually got a pitance for him on appeal.

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Plummers record this season is similar to Klein Davis, plus a few party tricks. The tricks are not a factor when he gets out against seasoned pros in the football league. The 6ft+ 14 stone backlines will get his attention in no uncertain manner, and I for one am not getting too wound up about it.

Plummer for reserves. Played 4- scored 3.......... Klien Davis. Played 4-scored 4....JM Williams. Played 6-scored 6

Plummer for Academy. Played10-scored 6..........Klien Davis. Played 15-scored 9.

Klien Davis has a similar scoring record to Plummer, and GJ is releasing him, is it an attitude thing, as its certainly not the goals scored.

For those with short memories, Jennison Myrie Williams was the new Messiah, the wonder kid who was going to solve all our goal scoring problems. He had the hype the publicity, was being chased by premiership clubs. We have the reality check, he needed more time.

IMO the only younger player ready to walk into the first team is 19 this year, that would be Frankie Artus.

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Guest ashtonyate
Am I too naive to ask for a bit of loyalty?

It wouldn't be a massive inconvenience for him to sign a 2 year contract, work his arse off in the first team for a year and move on slightly later for a substantial transfer fee rather then going for pennies.

If you ask me a move now is a slap in the face after we have given him top class coaching and guidance.

Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dee Dum Dee Dum

Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dee Dum Dee Dum

Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dee Dum Dee Dum Dee Dee Dum Dee Dum

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Am I too naive to ask for a bit of loyalty?

Frankly, yes.

I don't know what you do for a living, but let's say for sake of argument you're an apprentice electrician earning £250 a week. Your current employer has put you through college and enabled you to get all the professional qualifications you need to earn a decent wage.

But you're actually a really good electrician, and alerted by your excellent grades and good feedback from your customers, a much bigger electrical firm get in touch and offer you a job. They are offering you a chance to work on some really interesting, high profile rewiring jobs in some fairly swanky houses and are prepared to offer you £2000 a week.

You like your employer and feel a sense of loyalty towards him. He tells you if you stick with him, and providing his plans for expanding his business work out, he could offer you this sort of work in a few years time. If and when that happens he'll pay you really well. In the meantime he's prepared to offer you £350 a week to stay, on the off chance it may work out.

The bigger firm get wind of this and offer you £2500 a week, starting tomorrow, guaranteed for three years. They'll also help you find a new house and give you a nice car.

Hand on heart, what would you do?

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Guest ashtonyate
Frankly, yes.

I don't know what you do for a living, but let's say for sake of argument you're an apprentice electrician earning £250 a week. Your current employer has put you through college and enabled you to get all the professional qualifications you need to earn a decent wage.

But you're actually a really good electrician, and alerted by your excellent grades and good feedback from your customers, a much bigger electrical firm get in touch and offer you a job. They are offering you a chance to work on some really interesting, high profile rewiring jobs in some fairly swanky houses and are prepared to offer you £2000 a week.

You like your employer and feel a sense of loyalty towards him. He tells you if you stick with him, and providing his plans for expanding his business work out, he could offer you this sort of work in a few years time. If and when that happens he'll pay you really well. In the meantime he's prepared to offer you £350 a week to stay, on the off chance it may work out.

The bigger firm get wind of this and offer you £2500 a week, starting tomorrow, guaranteed for three years. They'll also help you find a new house and give you a nice car.

Hand on heart, what would you do?

And that is why firms stopped giving apprenticeship because they were not getting anything out of it as soon as they past there city & guilds they were gone

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And that is why firms stopped giving apprenticeship because they were not getting anything out of it as soon as they past there city & guilds they were gone

But you will also find that a lot of companies will pay for their employees proffesional qualifications in order to attract the best canditates. There is still the opportunity for them to leave afterwards but they still do it.

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But you will also find that a lot of companies will pay for their employees proffesional qualifications in order to attract the best canditates. There is still the opportunity for them to leave afterwards but they still do it.

Of course, most companies that do this "lock in" the employee, so that they have to stay for eg four years after qualifying.

My 2p - I think there would be benefits for Tristan in staying or going, and I'd understand his logic in both cases. But I really hope he stays and if he does leave, I'd expect better compensation than the gas got for Sinclair, which was farcical.

I'd also like to see the PFA acting as players' agents until they turn 21, to stop heads from being turned in the case of Dwayne Plummer, Cherno Samba et al.

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