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With us having a big game at Gillingham tomorrow is it a lucky omen that we are playing away from home where we look more comfortable? The last time we played Gillingham we beat them in the cup 4-3 and also prior to that in the league 3-1. Also not forgetting the 6-0 trouncing last season at the gate. 83 league matches ago we scored more than 3 league goals which was our home win against the Gills. Is this a lucky omen? Can Jevons repeat his hat-trick at the gate in the cup game against them? Surely its time for us to bang in a few goals? Or am I clutchign at straws here??

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I actually have thought for a while that we're going to take 6/6 from Gills and Carlisle, (don't ask for a rational explanation though 'cos there isn't one). I think we'll see off Rotherham too, in fact sod it: I think we're going up folks. On the last day of the season.

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