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Prediction League Update

Maesknoll Red

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With only six posters scoring any points and only one of those being in the top ten, the league table has changed very little after the Swansea points were added.

Top scorer on the day was Pilnin, the only poster to forsee the 0-0, scoring 15 points. Five with 5 points are: Dollymarie, graham b, City Since 64, Maltshoveller and red druid.


Please note that some of the people who promised prizes for the PL this season are no longer in a position to donate them. I'll be trying to secure a prize or two from other sources, I apologise for this, but it is beyond my control.

The sweepstake money is safe ( in the till of my local......) and will be paid out as follows; £70 to the winner and £30 to the runner up.

Prizes currently confirmed are:

Guest of Steve & Maggie Lansdown for the last game

Two bottles of Supporters Trust Wine

Free membership of the Supporters Club

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