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Red Robin

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If city enter the playoffs which is pretty likely with the situation of goals not being scored.

I do not fancy us one little bit.

I just don't think we have goals in us to go up this way especially with two legs.

They have to try and score somehow by foot,nee,head,leg but what concerns me most is,

I reckon we have to win three of the five remaining games to guarantee promotion, can it be done this is the question,personally unless we start hitting the net the answer is a big no.

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If city enter the playoffs which is pretty likely with the situation of goals not being scored.

I do not fancy us one little bit.

I just don't think we have goals in us to go up this way especially with two legs.

They have to try and score somehow by foot,nee,head,leg but what concerns me most is,

I reckon we have to win three of the five remaining games to guarantee promotion, can it be done this is the question,personally unless we start hitting the net the answer is a big no.

We may as well just give up now :surrender: Maybe the missing fans against Swansea have been reading your posts and decided not to bother wasting thier money on a team thats doomed to fail? :badmood:

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On current form there is no reason to suggest that we would struggle in the play offs. Six straight away wins shows that.

Are you thinking with your heart and not your head?

I think it's a bit of both Collis. But given our strike rate predicament it's all to easy to be pessimistic.

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If city enter the playoffs which is pretty likely with the situation of goals not being scored.

I do not fancy us one little bit.

I just don't think we have goals in us to go up this way especially with two legs.

They have to try and score somehow by foot,nee,head,leg but what concerns me most is,

I reckon we have to win three of the five remaining games to guarantee promotion, can it be done this is the question,personally unless we start hitting the net the answer is a big no.

Ahh nice to see the Optimists are out! :thumbsup:

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The forest fans would love to be in the position we're in, you only have to look at their forums - they're bloody irate. :angry::grr::crying:

Whilst we're still in 2nd place, i'm in the happy clappy brigade - who's with me? :hug::clapping::city:

All we can do is carry on giving the boss and boys all the support we can.

Doom and gloom will get us nowhere.

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Five games to go, Forest must win two more than us. Hold your nerve.

Believe me I am trying,however how Swansea did not leave the gate with out the win beats me,we were crap with a capital C up front.

MIDFIELD,DEFENCE did a cracking job.

I just feel someone from above might just be swinging it for us.

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Believe me I am trying,however how Swansea did not leave the gate with out the win beats me,we were crap with a capital C up front.

MIDFIELD,DEFENCE did a cracking job.

I just feel someone from above might just be swinging it for us.

This is THE difference from other seasons - that we're grinding-out results even when not exactly setting the stadium on fire (with exceptions, e.g. Oldham away). And this is why I think we'll make it this year.

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