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Put the record straight


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Yeovil Town was booed off today at half time. this is a team who are in the play offs a chance to go to the championship and only a few years ago was playing non league football.

All season we have had to put up with these south somerset numptys having a go at us for so called not backing our team and yet with only a few games to go they are booing off they team.

I also know that even this season rovers have been booed of on more then one occassion, so the next time when a fan of either of these two clubs ring into twentyman just to have a go a city twentyman should put the record straight.

Also another thing that wound me up was the rovers fans before and after the jpt final, they was in the press on the radio saying that they was going to beat us, nothing wrong in that backing your own team and we was backing our team to win .but when we said it we was accussed by them of being arrongant and they said it was "TYPICAL CITY".

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