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Back Burner Boys


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I have posted this quote some where else on here so il quote a reply i gave to other doubters !! YOU say JMW has been put on the back burner so might effect his confidence so surelly answer is too give him more run outs and also let the up and rising stars that apparently are worth mega money play also ! i would say if the boys were played and they would be more incline 2 sign and would play there hearts out 2 try and stay in the 1st squad look at LITA and COTTERILL once they were let of the leash the full playing skills were revealed ? i know our current squad have got the skills but like every one who is moaning there not performing for some reason !! we know they can so if i knew the answer i would be the manager :laugh: and again i stress if the young puppies start challenging 4 their place it might be the wake up call they need !! any thing got be worth a try and maintain our push in2 promotion when is the last time weve been in such a strong position with 4 games to go the ball is in the court 4 the boys and club and management to resolve so come on you reds lets not blow it now
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I have posted this quote some where else on here so il quote a reply i gave to other doubters !! YOU say JMW has been put on the back burner so might effect his confidence so surelly answer is too give him more run outs and also let the up and rising stars that apparently are worth mega money play also ! i would say if the boys were played and they would be more incline 2 sign and would play there hearts out 2 try and stay in the 1st squad look at LITA and COTTERILL once they were let of the leash the full playing skills were revealed ? i know our current squad have got the skills but like every one who is moaning there not performing for some reason !! we know they can so if i knew the answer i would be the manager :laugh: and again i stress if the young puppies start challenging 4 their place it might be the wake up call they need !! any thing got be worth a try and maintain our push in2 promotion when is the last time weve been in such a strong position with 4 games to go the ball is in the court 4 the boys and club and management to resolve so come on you reds lets not blow it now

Hi Dad !

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