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I'm A Gashead So You Hate Me But........


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.........don't you all think Jed Pitman is a total joke on Soccernight?? If so, a petition has been started to get him removed and a more serious football program introduced. Here's the petition: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/pitman-out/

Yep, as much as I hate gasheads we all agree, Jed Pitman's a .....


First ten seconds make me laugh - although I wouldn't bother watching the rest of it.

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Yep, as much as I hate gasheads we all agree, Jed Pitman's a .....


First ten seconds make me laugh - although I wouldn't bother watching the rest of it.

Have a listen to that, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbifn5v0wxs&NR=1, he sounds a right fool, I'm so gald i don't live down there to be able to watch that or mess about with my sky box to as not worth it.

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