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Would Those Not In The

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about not being able to hear the noise from the East end

Noise travels outwards in a straight line, so those in the higher up

areas of the Atyeo, Dolman and williams stand won't hear very much

Now, if you were a city player waiting to take a corner at the east end

the noise must have been deafening from the east end

So as its the players that put the ball in the back of the net

it does not matter if the other stands can't hear any one else

Just keep singing yer hearts out,which ever stand you sing from

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about not being able to hear the noise from the East end

Noise travels outwards in a straight line, so those in the higher up

areas of the Atyeo, Dolman and williams stand won't hear very much

Now, if you were a city player waiting to take a corner at the east end

the noise must have been deafening from the east end

So as its the players that put the ball in the back of the net

it does not matter if the other stands can't hear any one else

Just keep singing yer hearts out,which ever stand you sing from

I always thought that noise moves in a wave covering the sphere in front of you?

However I bet those in the middle of the park get to hear the support from all sides of the pitch and that's what matters. North, east, south or west it really doesn;t matter as long as people are making noise.

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well said NTTDS

its a strange debate.

To those that are trotting out anti-east end rubbish -

there were such a small number of home fans in the east end and the rest of the ground was buzzing- as it should be

what would you expect?

also what would you expect from an overspill facility?

many eastenders past, preseant and fututre were unable to transfer their tickets so remained in their "temporary" home elsewhere in the ground.

any way, excellent result eh?

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I'm one of the people that a lot of you hate on here that leave the Dolman early and congregate at the front of the stand before sprinting off dead on the final whistle to avoid the ridiculous traffic home. At the last two home games when standing pitchside the noise has been (a) so much loader than at 99% of other home games this season and (b) a million times loader than it is when sat in my seat.

I would interested to hear a players view on the noise levels especially as they can compare it to so many away grounds. I think the difference it makes to the players performance levels is overrated, however it is a lot more fun to sing during the game than sit silently.

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I'm one of the people that a lot of you hate on here that leave the Dolman early and congregate at the front of the stand before sprinting off dead on the final whistle to avoid the ridiculous traffic home.

I don't think anyone has a problem with people like you Dave... it's those that leave the ground 5-10 minutes early that annoy people... at least you stay to the end, whereas the others...? Do they go to the cinema and leave 5 minutes before the end of the film as well?!?

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I don't think anyone has a problem with people like you Dave... it's those that leave the ground 5-10 minutes early that annoy people... at least you stay to the end, whereas the others...? Do they go to the cinema and leave 5 minutes before the end of the film as well?!?

Weird, WHO CARES? I got to the ground at 11.50 and left a few minutes before the end so? I hang my head in shame; each to his/her own I say.

When I`ve been in the Williams Ive stayed until it was empty and......... :dunno:

If "people have a problem" that is theres not anybody elses.

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Guest ashtonyate
well said NTTDS

its a strange debate.

To those that are trotting out anti-east end rubbish -

there were such a small number of home fans in the east end and the rest of the ground was buzzing- as it should be

what would you expect?

also what would you expect from an overspill facility?

many eastenders past, preseant and fututre were unable to transfer their tickets so remained in their "temporary" home elsewhere in the ground.

any way, excellent result eh?

To those that are trotting out this east end rubbish shows that if the team play the football the crowd will support them. If the do not put the performance in why should I. I feel I have done 90% of what is expected of me by turning up and helping them earn a good wage if they can't perform neither can I. You lot in the east end think you are gods gifts but the rest of us no hoper can turn it on from our ordinary seats we don't need to get into a group

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To those that are trotting out this east end rubbish shows that if the team play the football the crowd will support them. If the do not put the performance in why should I. I feel I have done 90% of what is expected of me by turning up and helping them earn a good wage if they can't perform neither can I. You lot in the east end think you are gods gifts but the rest of us no hoper can turn it on from our ordinary seats we don't need to get into a group

:disapointed2se: you will never take Robboreds crown :nono::fish:

Oh and we are all in the same group; plonk :disapointed2se:

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To those that are trotting out this east end rubbish shows that if the team play the football the crowd will support them. If the do not put the performance in why should I. I feel I have done 90% of what is expected of me by turning up and helping them earn a good wage if they can't perform neither can I. You lot in the east end think you are gods gifts but the rest of us no hoper can turn it on from our ordinary seats we don't need to get into a group

the uberfan speaks

Not everybody supports their team in the way you do. It becomes clear, the anfield kop is also waste of time I suppose?

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Guest ashtonyate

the uberfan speaks

Not everybody supports their team in the way you do. It becomes clear, the anfield kop is also waste of time I suppose?

everbody thinks Liverpool FC are Wonderfull did not stop them from sacking the manager after finishing 6 a few year ago if we had a stand the size of the cop we could give them a run for there money

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I'm one of the people that a lot of you hate on here that leave the Dolman early and congregate at the front of the stand before sprinting off dead on the final whistle to avoid the ridiculous traffic home. At the last two home games when standing pitchside the noise has been (a) so much loader than at 99% of other home games this season and (b) a million times loader than it is when sat in my seat.

I would interested to hear a players view on the noise levels especially as they can compare it to so many away grounds. I think the difference it makes to the players performance levels is overrated, however it is a lot more fun to sing during the game than sit silently.

We don't hate you at all. If people want to leave early then that is there choice. As long as they don't block my view of the pitch then I really do not give a toss.

Myself I will always stay to the end. Just never know what will happen in them last few mins. But on the same note I can also understand why people congregate at the bottom of the Dolman as it is a nightmare trying to get out of the Dolman after the game.

I wait to the full time whistle and then clap the players off and then leave the stadium and walk to my car. I then get in to my car and within a minute I'm on the portway heading home without any traffic problems.

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To those that are trotting out this east end rubbish shows that if the team play the football the crowd will support them. If the do not put the performance in why should I. I feel I have done 90% of what is expected of me by turning up and helping them earn a good wage if they can't perform neither can I. You lot in the east end think you are gods gifts but the rest of us no hoper can turn it on from our ordinary seats we don't need to get into a group

This accusation I first heard after the Brentford game from my older brother who happily takes his seat in the Atyeo with his replica shirt and scarf; you East End lot think you're all this and all that. I told him straight: No, I just wanna do my thing and my thing is joining hundreds of like mind's together under one roof doing what we do. His perception did open my eyes though.

the rest of us can turn it on from our ordinary seats we don't need to get into a group

It's been quite clearly expressed on this forum alone month after month that this is not the case. Quotes such as ''Ashton Gate the Library'', ''it's a morgue'', ''I get bored'' etc etc ring any bells?

If you like glos boy is implying are just fishing then I'll have my self a dry chuckle at you.

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To those that are trotting out this east end rubbish shows that if the team play the football the crowd will support them.

What ''support'' is that then?

Indulging in a group only when they're already succeeding is not strictly my understanding of support. Infact that's what I call bandwagon jumping/ball-sucking.

I personally need 'support' from people around me far more when my chip's are down and I'm struggling than when I'm kicking ass. Infact Eric Claptons ''Nobody love's you when you're down and out'' sums up beautifully the fickle nature of human beings.

Still, we're never going to agree it seems so hey-ho.

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I don't think anyone is slagging off those in the EE, except the usual odd nonces.

I think the concensus was, we couldnt hear you.

Thats it, no hidden agenda.

The only criticism I would have is that similar small quantities of away fans have made themselves heard.

As mentioned, thought the atmosphere in the Dolman was better than its been over the last few years.

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I don't think anyone is slagging off those in the EE, except the usual odd nonces.

I think the concensus was, we couldnt hear you.

Thats it, no hidden agenda.

The only criticism I would have is that similar small quantities of away fans have made themselves heard.

As mentioned, thought the atmosphere in the Dolman was better than its been over the last few years.

As is stated time and time again; acoustic's of AG are terrible. Depending on where you were I suspect you mean to say ''we'' couldn't hear you. They could half way across the Williams, GJ could and they could in the lower reaches of the Dolman - the family enclosure.

A Swansea fan said we were the best home support he'd witnessed in recent years, something that quite clearly he wouldn't have if the EE'd been closed.

The atmosphere was better all round for Swansea, as is the way if others are singing around you that is generally all one can here. For Brentford; a typical AG non-etmosphere the EE's received good reviews.

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As is stated time and time again; acoustic's of AG are terrible. Depending on where you were I suspect you mean to say ''we'' couldn't hear you. They could half way across the Williams, GJ could and they could in the lower reaches of the Dolman - the family enclosure.

A Swansea fan said we were the best home support he'd witnessed in recent years, something that quite clearly he wouldn't have if the EE'd been closed.

The atmosphere was better all round for Swansea, as is the way if others are singing around you that is generally all one can here. For Brentford; a typical AG non-etmosphere the EE's received good reviews.

The majority of Swansea reviews i've read, albeit only 7 or 8 online, have said the atmosphere for a sell out crowd was the worst they've ever witnessed. Goes to show hearing is subjective. As is reading, its like, if I say to you, ''That guy on this forum is a complete self pleasurer''. You think of That guy.

I don't doubt, and agree the accoustics are lame, but my point, to put it more clearly, was that from where I sat in the Dolman I heard perfectly loud noise coming from the EE in various games from small numbers, yet from the same spot heard nothing on Sat.

That may be down to the pathetic number of ours in there, with is ultimately down to the club.

don't think its a competition, so long as all 4 ends of the ground sing, then I'm happy, as are the players and manager as shown recently.

Tbh I think we all love the singing, so no reason whatsoever for us to stop from now on.


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He (or someone else) have been much better lately - but back to the old sad ways on saturday for some reason?

Well I know "he" was "someone else" against Swansea at least which could go some way to explaining it ;)

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about not being able to hear the noise from the East end

Noise travels outwards in a straight line, so those in the higher up

areas of the Atyeo, Dolman and williams stand won't hear very much

Now, if you were a city player waiting to take a corner at the east end

the noise must have been deafening from the east end

So as its the players that put the ball in the back of the net

it does not matter if the other stands can't hear any one else

Just keep singing yer hearts out,which ever stand you sing from

I couldnt hear the East End on their own because, in the vast majority the whole ground was singing. But when they werent, i didnt hear the East End. Probably because there was only about 500 odd in there. I was in there against Swansea and was dismayed when my old man, who was sat in the atyeo, told me that he could'nt hear us.

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Guest ashtonyate

What ''support'' is that then?

Indulging in a group only when they're already succeeding is not strictly my understanding of support. Infact that's what I call bandwagon jumping/ball-sucking.

I personally need 'support' from people around me far more when my chip's are down and I'm struggling than when I'm kicking ass. Infact Eric Claptons ''Nobody love's you when you're down and out'' sums up beautifully the fickle nature of human beings.

Still, we're never going to agree it seems so hey-ho.

The world loves a trier same as in football if people see you are putting it in they will support you, if you are just going through the motions like what was happening against the Gas and a few other teams this season you get slated that's life

As I say a lot of people go to work in mundane jobs to pay the bills in a mundane life these people who play Football are so lucky to do that job I expect them to give their all every time they play.

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if they open the east end next year and allow fans to buy season tickets more than 600 will turn up and it will make a difference so that people in other parts of the ground can here us.

Its the only way I will buy a season ticket whatever league we are in :yes:

p.s hear :smartass:

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