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Come On City


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Talk sport this morning were going on about Forest this and Forest that, the only mention we got was Mr Brazil talking about Forest closing the gap on us and Carlisle's mighty rise from conference to Championship (potentially) becoming more of a reality when they beat us and creep into the play offs.

Come on City, we can do it.

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Come on lads lets put it beyond doubt tommorow!

Very nervy at the moment... the prolonged agony of the race for promtion is doing my head in!

I have stopped speculating - results are what we need, I think we are a better team when there is more at stake, its when we relax we tend to slip up.

Having given up on speculating.... i think our result will be matched by Forest tommorow!!!!

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Come on lads lets put it beyond doubt tommorow!

Very nervy at the moment... the prolonged agony of the race for promtion is doing my head in!

I have stopped speculating - results are what we need, I think we are a better team when there is more at stake, its when we relax we tend to slip up.

Having given up on speculating.... i think our result will be matched by Forest tommorow!!!!

doing a bit more speculating,,again ,this time I'm looking at it in reverse,,here we go, if we are on are game i cant see us getting anything else but 3 points against a relegated rotherham side particularly if we have to win it ,,,secondly millwall s hopes or a play off play will probably be completly deminished after tomorrow,so i cant see us coming away from there with less than apoint,,so a point tomorrow would probably seal it ,it would put us and forest on 84 points it would be down to goal difference,but that would mean that forest still have to win all there games,,which is possible ,but unprobable,, read this and weep calderwood.

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