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To Much Promotion Talk

The Humble Realist

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Iv seen so many posts syaing things like "If we go up who would u buy etc" or "Would this player come to us if we went up".

We aint up yet and all this sort of tlak is only like to distract from the fact that we need 6 points from our final 3 games.

Talking about promotion is ok, tlaking and saying things like "if we go up" is somehting to be discussed IF we go up on May 5th.

My own personal opinion on he promotion run in.

I think City will get enough points to finish ahead of Blackpool.

I think City will get enough points to finish ahead of Forest if Forest only get 7 points.

I think if Forest win all three games then it wil be 5050 as to if we go up and i fear losing on goal difference

However, one game at a time, Carlisle tomorrow, we musnt play for a point

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