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Crazy But Its Going To Happen

Red Robin

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Millwall and BCFC need to sort this fiasco out quickly,there will be 500+ city fans at Millwall without tickets Saturday.

Lets be fair both sets of fans have some right nutcases which will kickoff big time if not dealt with properly.

City must get extra tickets for the lower tier to sort this crazy situation out.

Carlise it was a privalage Saturday to be in there with 1700 city fans,I would go as far as saying it was better than the Forest traveling army.

Well done citys fans you were magnificent.

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I've sent an email to Millwall asking what's going on, you're right, it's crazy. What's the point of having a 4,000 capacity stand, and when there is demand to fill it, they don't open it up?

I've got my ticket, but I know of loads with train tickets but no match tickets.

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I've sent an email to Millwall asking what's going on, you're right, it's crazy. What's the point of having a 4,000 capacity stand, and when there is demand to fill it, they don't open it up?

I've got my ticket, but I know of loads with train tickets but no match tickets.

At the risk of sounding like Robbored, don't you think that by opening the bottom tier then the police are running the risk of attracting more of our hooligan element? Whilst I feel genuinely sorry for those honest fans who have missed out, I think I'd feel safer knowing/hoping that the Police will be stopping ticketless fans from getting anywhere near the stadium.

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think everybody is forgetting, that both bcfc and millwall fc are more interested in fans wellfare and safety rather then filling the ground, if that was the case it would have been opened from the moment go. I too would love to see 4,000 shitheads marching home over zelous but come on lads its millwall and its got trouble writen all over it to be honest.I'm going but i will be straight in and out, no loitering and no trip to covent garden (been said on here everyones going, so problems will be there if any). I also would have liked ot seen teh club issue a no under 16 policy as i remember going up with my father a long time ago and it wasn't a pretty sight for Children.

Admittedly there is 2 options really, run teh risk of getting your head smashed in London if you have no ticket or stay at home and listen on radio bristol and then join in the huge party in bristol next saturday night and probably prior the rotherham game.

to be honest as much as i would love to see the lower tier open i cant see it. as the police will veto it for safety reasons alone.

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At the risk of sounding like Robbored, don't you think that by opening the bottom tier then the police are running the risk of attracting more of our hooligan element? Whilst I feel genuinely sorry for those honest fans who have missed out, I think I'd feel safer knowing/hoping that the Police will be stopping ticketless fans from getting anywhere near the stadium.


The reason the bottom tier is closed is to effectivley restrict the number of travelling supporters at the game and therefore restrict the liklehood of trouble.

To open it now would be to basically ignore Police advice given several weeks ago when the decisons were made to keep tickets at 2k and allow freedom of travel

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We have to keep the end blocks empty in the East Stand for all matches as these blocks are nearest to the away end and things get a little heated when there is a decent away support so i don't think theres any possibility of the lower tier being opened, the last time it was open was for the West H*m game and it was 'ugly' we missed TWO penalties but still beat the 'scum' 4 - 1 so it wasn't all bad but the atmosphere was evil!

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We have to keep the end blocks empty in the East Stand for all matches as these blocks are nearest to the away end and things get a little heated when there is a decent away support so i don't think theres any possibility of the lower tier being opened, the last time it was open was for the West H*m game and it was 'ugly' we missed TWO penalties but still beat the 'scum' 4 - 1 so it wasn't all bad but the atmosphere was evil!

Many other Millwall fans on the rivals board are saying that if 500+ fans turn up without tickets the police will let them in.

I'm thinking of risking it.

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Why are people bothering to even still discuss whether Millwall will open the lower tier. It's been stated on here loads and loads of time over the past few weeks that it's not going to happen. It's the police's decision and they have no interest in earning Millwall a few extra quid.

If people without away tickets really want to go, then there'll be about 5-10 000 spare seats in the home end, which I guess you can pay for on the day, though as stated elsewhere you can't really guarantee you'll come out of there intact, if you make it known you're a City fan.

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Why are people bothering to even still discuss whether Millwall will open the lower tier. It's been stated on here loads and loads of time over the past few weeks that it's not going to happen. It's the police's decision and they have no interest in earning Millwall a few extra quid.

If people without away tickets really want to go, then there'll be about 5-10 000 spare seats in the home end, which I guess you can pay for on the day, though as stated elsewhere you can't really guarantee you'll come out of there intact, if you make it known you're a City fan.

or have a west country accent

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Many other Millwall fans on the rivals board are saying that if 500+ fans turn up without tickets the police will let them in.

I'm thinking of risking it.

Risking it is the right word.

The only times i can remember away fans being in the home end at the New Den was when 2 Gillingham fans got chased out of the ground, two major kick off's with Chelsea when they were found in our end, and against Liverpool where a few scousers were done in....and nicked!

95% of you will go in the home end and come away, on the monday, saying how 'don't know what the fuss is about', 'Millwall aint what it used to be' etc etc.

But 5% wont..

You have two options, stand around the ground hoping for the law to let you in or go in our end. But the thing is, the OB will never let you stand around the ground and the word has gone out with our fans that Bristol will be in our end. Last time these rumours went about, against Man City, everyone was on the lookout for them, especially when they scored.

You've been warned..........Millwall has not changed into the family club that they'll have you believe..

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At the risk of sounding like Robbored, don't you think that by opening the bottom tier then the police are running the risk of attracting more of our hooligan element? Whilst I feel genuinely sorry for those honest fans who have missed out, I think I'd feel safer knowing/hoping that the Police will be stopping ticketless fans from getting anywhere near the stadium.

Extending that logic, you may as well shut the whole stadium, then you guarantee to keep the hooligan element out.

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Its a bit of a Catch 22 situation for the police.

Inevitable, there will be City fans going to the game without tickets - how many exactly is irrelevant. So the option for the police is either to let these fans roam around outside the ground and in town, where they will stand out like a sore thumb, or to let them into the ground, meaning City fans in much closer quarters with Milwall.

Common sense would suggest that the police would let them in, but everybody with any sense knows it won't happen.

If I was to go, I would sit in the Milwall end well out of the way of anyone and sit on my hands, or club together a load of mates and get a hospitality package.

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Extending that logic, you may as well shut the whole stadium, then you guarantee to keep the hooligan element out.

You're missing the point. The reason Millwall don't want to open the bottom tier is because their lunatics will be within coin/bottles of piss chucking distance of us.

Also have you considered what is likely to happen at the end of the game? Don't think the police fancy the thought of BCFC winning promotion and both sets of fans taking to the pitch.

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You have two options, stand around the ground hoping for the law to let you in or go in our end. But the thing is, the OB will never let you stand around the ground and the word has gone out with our fans that Bristol will be in our end. Last time these rumours went about, against Man City, everyone was on the lookout for them, especially when they scored.

You've been warned..........Millwall has not changed into the family club that they'll have you believe..

we better start practising our mockney now accents then

all together now

strike a light

blimey guvnor

apples and pears

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I think any problems with this fixture will arise from people travelling without tickets not from people who have tickets.

Therefore I reckon Millwall and the old bill should just open the lower tier now and put the tickets on sale.

This would allow them to apply the usual controls to ticket sales, like not selling them to hoolies with a banning order.

The extra revenue would cover any extra police costs.

The old bill would then be justified in adopting more stringent measures against those travelling without tickets like putting them back on trains and marching them away from the ground. It would remove the incentive for people to travel without them (that they might just open it on the day anyway).

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Live beam back now announced, so no need for people to take the risk and travel without tickets.....

Well, less need. But bear in mind that the beamback may well get filled by people who weren't going to travel anyway.

I still don't think there's a good reason not to open the lower stand to normal ticket sales.

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Even if they did open the lower tier and give us an extra 2000, which they won't, this would still not be enough and there might still be some (though obviously less than now) going up without tickets.

Bit of an impossible situation for the police really. I would guess that they will be checking the tickets of everyone arriving at S Berm. station, which should allow them to turn away the majority without tickets.

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Well I think its mad that they don't give us an extra 1000 tickets. Tommy Alford knows about the situation surely he could advise the police its better to open up part of the stand rather than trouble being in the area for fans locked out/in the home end?

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Well I think its mad that they don't give us an extra 1000 tickets. Tommy Alford knows about the situation surely he could advise the police its better to open up part of the stand rather than trouble being in the area for fans locked out/in the home end?

o.m.g trouble can be found walking to the end of the street if you are looking for it; point being if you want trouble it will be there, if you want football that will be there as well, and in Whitchurch.

Been to Millwall in the late 60`s and early seventies many times, I`m still here; just go and enjoy it, whatever floats your boat as they say :city::farmer:

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Well I think its mad that they don't give us an extra 1000 tickets. Tommy Alford knows about the situation surely he could advise the police its better to open up part of the stand rather than trouble being in the area for fans locked out/in the home end?

The club aint going to be bothered about trouble outside the ground cos its not their responsibility.

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