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Does it have to start bloody raining on the day that the rugby is due to be played on our beloved turf!!!

That means it will be slippier, and they will fall over more and our lovely pitch will get all yucky.

Arrrrrgggggghhhhh! :10_1_108:

Yucky? What's up with you today dolly? Well at least we havent got any play off games to worry about either so a nice long pre season will do the pitch good for the visit of West Ham to fortress Ashton gate for the first game of next season.

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On the subject of the rugby, there's a lot of talk on the GWR news this morning from the rugby club about 'hoping Bristol city will see sense' and let them play ALL their games there when they have to move away from the dump, sorry, the Mem later this year. The way it was phrased it sounded like the rugby club were putting the pressure on and making us sound like we would be fools/stubborn not to accept them.

I thought they had just about agreed to play at Clifton rugby at Cribbs and only have a few big games here? Has that all fallen through? I think that would be the best option all round as I honestly can't see us not having anything, and only if the special tough pitch is laid. And as the club have stated we are having the pitch relaid.... :o

Totally selfish but I'd like our pitch just for us, to play Championship football on. I think we will have our work cut out finding our feet up there without added complications. Financially yes I can see the attraction, but IF we do go up there will be a major financial change anyway. GJ has always stated he doesn't want extra football (Gas) or the rugby down there, and he strikes me that he gets what he wants, wouldn't like to argue with him! :sofa:

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Guest east_dundry_red
On the subject of the rugby, there's a lot of talk on the GWR news this morning from the rugby club about 'hoping Bristol city will see sense' and let them play ALL their games there when they have to move away from the dump, sorry, the Mem later this year. The way it was phrased it sounded like the rugby club were putting the pressure on and making us sound like we would be fools/stubborn not to accept them.

I thought they had just about agreed to play at Clifton rugby at Cribbs and only have a few big games here? Has that all fallen through? I think that would be the best option all round as I honestly can't see us not having anything, and only if the special tough pitch is laid. And as the club have stated we are having the pitch relaid.... :o

Totally selfish but I'd like our pitch just for us, to play Championship football on. I think we will have our work cut out finding our feet up there without added complications. Financially yes I can see the attraction, but IF we do go up there will be a major financial change anyway. GJ has always stated he doesn't want extra football (Gas) or the rugby down there, and he strikes me that he gets what he wants, wouldn't like to argue with him! :sofa:

Id welcome the rugby club with open arms, it would make our pitch 10 times better than what it is now and increase the revenue.

So whats the problem?

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Guest ashtonyate
On the subject of the rugby, there's a lot of talk on the GWR news this morning from the rugby club about 'hoping Bristol city will see sense' and let them play ALL their games there when they have to move away from the dump, sorry, the Mem later this year. The way it was phrased it sounded like the rugby club were putting the pressure on and making us sound like we would be fools/stubborn not to accept them.

I thought they had just about agreed to play at Clifton rugby at Cribbs and only have a few big games here? Has that all fallen through? I think that would be the best option all round as I honestly can't see us not having anything, and only if the special tough pitch is laid. And as the club have stated we are having the pitch relaid.... :o

Totally selfish but I'd like our pitch just for us, to play Championship football on. I think we will have our work cut out finding our feet up there without added complications. Financially yes I can see the attraction, but IF we do go up there will be a major financial change anyway. GJ has always stated he doesn't want extra football (Gas) or the rugby down there, and he strikes me that he gets what he wants, wouldn't like to argue with him! :sofa:

As I said better have the Gas playing here than the Rugby

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you don't get it do you?

if the rugby came to ashton gate then we'd be having a new super dooper flashing lights unky dory pitch.

that doesnt wear and tear like a normal pitch.

so all it would mean is more income for us for new players/stands/lansdowns back pocket :]

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Id welcome the rugby club with open arms, it would make our pitch 10 times better than what it is now and increase the revenue.

So whats the problem?

How would playing rugby on our pitch make it better?

The best we could hope for would be that a new pitch with the woven plastic would limit the damage, there's no way it would be better with fat egg chasers all over it every other week.

I think we should stick to letting them use it for big games only at a nice fat premium.

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Does it have to start bloody raining on the day that the rugby is due to be played on our beloved turf!!!

That means it will be slippier, and they will fall over more and our lovely pitch will get all yucky.

Arrrrrgggggghhhhh! :10_1_108:

I'm sure the groundsman would of watered the pitch today regardless of the rain so all it's done is make his life easier today. It's not pouring down so I see no problem.

The worst thing for me is the lines they leave on the pitch,it looks scruffy.

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