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Why Do I Feel So Relaxed


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This time 2 weeks ago I was a nervous wreck walking around my office the whole time, It was just the thought that the yeovil game could be our turning point.

Nerves were upon me, yet as we come to the game that really counts my nerves have disappered as I truley believe the boys are going to do it.

How is everyone else feeling? :goingup:

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i feel the same mate. For the past month i have had butterflies in my stomach. But after the Carlisle game and being one win away from promotion. I feel more relaxed about it but i certinaly can;t get the millwall game out of my system.

One things for sure, I think the nerves will come back to me on saturday morning :surrender:

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likewise, I'm ok at the moment although I cant get saturday afternoon out of my head. Come Saturday though I will be a nervous wreck and pacing up and down in my office the whole 90 mins...(unless we are 4 up after 10 mins and forest and losing!!!)


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I'm completely relaxed.

I have 100% faith in the team to do the business like they have all season. And should we fail, we have a second chance against Rotherham at AG!! :city:

That's exactly my thinking.

I was losing sleep over it a few weeks ago, with butterflies flitting around my stomach, but I think it's the notion that we can afford a slip on Saturday and it's still in our hands that's chilled me out a bit!

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This time 2 weeks ago I was a nervous wreck walking around my office the whole time, It was just the thought that the yeovil game could be our turning point.

Nerves were upon me, yet as we come to the game that really counts my nerves have disappered as I truley believe the boys are going to do it.

How is everyone else feeling? :goingup:

I think part of it is that finally we are faced with a game which is not an absolutely must-win game. We are in the position of possibly losing or drawing at Millwall, and still have a fantastic chance. Hopefully the players won't see it like that but as fans, we know that we have two bites of the cherry now, whereas before, one slip up and Forest would have been up with us.

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I think part of it is that finally we are faced with a game which is not an absolutely must-win game. We are in the position of possibly losing or drawing at Millwall, and still have a fantastic chance. Hopefully the players won't see it like that but as fans, we know that we have two bites of the cherry now, whereas before, one slip up and Forest would have been up with us.

Tis true!

We can lose and still be promoted on the day....a lot less pressure

One thing that grips my shot is that we probably wont be able to celebrate with the players - ala Carlisle - because the Whackers will be on the park as soon as the whistle goes and our boys will have to make for the tunel PDQ

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I think everyone is so relaxed is because it is within touching distance, its just over that little hill that happens to be millwall and were at the bottom of the hill.

Walk to the top of a small hill and were there!! 5PM Saturday we should hopefully be where this come belongs.

Fodbarmyarmy, The police are going to make us stay behind after the game anyway, the players can wait until the wall fans are off the pitch, then come back on and celebrate. Also i don't think there has been a pitch invasion at millwall since 2003?.

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