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A Plea To Steve Lansdown

Sir Colby-Tit

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Sir Steve of Ashton,

You've been really good to us this season what with a couple of beambacks, telling the gas and the egg-chasers to do one etc, and I take back any nasty things I may have said (allegedly).

You are no doubt aware that Boston United are up s**t creek without a paddle at the moment:

Clickety Click

Skysports news 24 April 2007: If Boston are unable to hold their game against relegated Torquay United on Saturday, they face the very real threat of having their records expunged and the club will fold.

If Boston's home points are expunged then the GAS could make the play-offs.

Could you please do the honourable thing and give the egg-chasers the elbow on 28 April and offer Ashton Gate to Boston

United instead. This would top off promotion nicely.


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