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A New Era?


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IF we finally get there tomorrow I wonder what will happen to our club? I hear all sorts of rumours about the new stand, SL ready to splash some cash, GJ calling in some favours abroad (Latvian invasion!?), surprise departures (Carey & Basso?).

Gary - A new era

I am trying to keep calm and trying not to get caught up in the 'we're already up' crew, but this morning was the first morning I awoke feeling dead nervous and somewhat excited about the dream I had just had(!), it involved Forest sending us up, I am not saying anymore in case of bad luck and forum rules :innocent06:

I've not had this feeling for 8-9 long years, let's hope we won't be blowing £3M on strikers and sacking the manager after a few games!!!

Things have changed in the football world since we were last in the 1st Division, more TV money etc and more exposure. I sure hope we can establish and push on as a decent side.

Here's to eff all sleep tonight.


:goingup: :Believe:

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