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Fancy Dress


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anybody going to dress silly for any of these games, because me being a nosey git would like to know what yer going as. even if your not what would you imagine yourself dressing up as?I'm going as a roman candle so if i get arrested they might let me off.

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anybody going to dress silly for any of these games, because me being a nosey git would like to know what yer going as. even if your not what would you imagine yourself dressing up as?I'm going as a roman candle so if i get arrested they might let me off.

haha good work - will use that!

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Don't think getting 'dressed-up' in any shape or form is really the thing to do, according to some. This isn't meant to be fun, it's football. Celebrate sure, but maintain your dignity, we're British after all.

Don't forget, at Millwall you have to look hard, and you can't do that dressed as a Fairy!

Funny hats are also not permitted, some of our fans wouldn't even be seen dead in a City replica top.

So perhaps to satisfy the non-fun people -God we don't want to look like Yeovil do we- perhaps we should all dress in a drab grey design and just scowl a lot.

Good news is, singing is allowed. The more macho the better.

Or as an individual, people could say sod it and wear what they want, each to their own.

Me, I've got lots of Red and white stuff.

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I'm going to dress up as me I think, it's a bit of a ''whacky'' plan I know but hey, anything to enter into the spirit.

The dishevelled wreck complete with semi-grown ginger beard variety of outfit is still a viable option to me.

The inability to walk straight is a distinctly possible addition to my outfit too, my voicebox being jammed thus the repeated balling of ''YOU COCKNEY W*NKERS!!!'' (appropriate hand gesture inc.) is also a non too unlikely costume feature. I should look quite the part.

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