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Hands Up Who Doesn't Believe In Promotion


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I really haven't a clue how this will now play out. I am not suprised that we slipped up today, although from my viewing at Whitchurch we had enough chances to score. I fully expected though that the other two chasing would also falter, and not keep winning. Although we are solid throughout the team, we have no regular/reliable scorer that we can assume will deliver that vital goal. We have struggled against other lowly sides so, although it would be great if we secured a comfortable win next week, I've a feeling born out of so many false dawns that if we do make it, it will be a 1-0, hanging on, playing for time, job! Hope I'm wrong and it's a stroll! :dunno:

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big problem cant score here is the bet jevo will win you promotion

Jevons couldn't win a raffle.

The fact of the matter is that if we can't beat Rotheram on the last day of the season against a team who is already relgated we don't deserve to be promoted.

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Come on stop fannying around,lets have you on here, so we can all see you.


I believe that next week, that at worst, Rotherham will either eek out a famous victory for themselves over us, 0-2 and be the toast of Nottingham the next day, and we can all say that again, this wasn't to be our year!............

or at best, they play an 11 man defensive wall and hold us to a 0-0 bore draw in which City have 15 shots on goal, and fail to make a single one count!!.

Be interesting to see who we get in the Play Off's!!,


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If Forrest go 1 - 0 up, i think the fans will start to get on the back of the players, and we could shy out to a draw. However a early goal for us would see us relax and forget about the Forest/Blackpool games.

Basically a early goal is essential.

We will do it :pray:

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Jevons couldn't win a raffle.

The fact of the matter is that if we can't beat Rotheram on the last day of the season against a team who is already relgated we don't deserve to be promoted.

i kind of agree with this,if we don't beat rotherham saturday then quite simply we don't deserve it,and i would rather not get promotion knowing we didnt deserve it ,than deserving it but not getting it,i do however think we will beat rotherham comfortably saturday providing we don't freeze and try walking the ball into the net one thing is for sure ,the pressure is on us and not blackpool or forest ,who have both basically resigned them selfs to the playoffs over the last few weeks therefor have nothing to lose, we have to throw everything at rotherham saturday and I'm sure we will.

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Go 4-4-3 and attack like we've never attacked before. This is Rotherham who have just been beaten at HOME by the mighty Cheltenham. If GJ goes for the same tactics as he did at Millwall i fear the worse. Why, when we needed a win to go up did he play one upfront yesterday?

We will do it next saturday, and if we don't, then forget promotion via the play offs cos we'll bottle that - again.

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Go 4-4-3 and attack like we've never attacked before. This is Rotherham who have just been beaten at HOME by the mighty Cheltenham. If GJ goes for the same tactics as he did at Millwall i fear the worse. Why, when we needed a win to go up did he play one upfront yesterday?

We will do it next saturday, and if we don't, then forget promotion via the play offs cos we'll bottle that - again.

Not using a goalie would be madness, 4-4-2 would be more conservative I think. :fingerscrossed:

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