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So, Its All Down To The Last 90 Minutes Of The Season..


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I know there are plenty of posts already on here about next weekends game and the importance of it....but, wow! I cannot recall a game as important as this one. It really is massive and its going to be the most horrendous and nerve wracking week leading up to it.....let alone what the nerves will be like during the game. :shocking:

I really think this is bigger then the Brighton game, I really do. The Play-offs are a lottery, but being in 2nd spot for so long now this season and losing it now would be to much, it would be ten times more heart breaking then "that" day against Brighton, and the negative vibes it would create would make the play-offs, I feel, a near impossible task (might sound harsh but I'm just being realistic)

People say the fans need to make some noise, and yes i agree, but i really don't think there is anything more the fans can do. The support we have shown over the last few years has been awesome, both home and away. We've been nothing more then a bunch of nearly men, to the point where teams like QPR and Plymouth even laugh at Bristol City as we constantly promise so much and always deliver failure. We were knocking on the door of promotion with these teams at one point, it seems like ages ago they went up!!

This year has to be different. Next week is one game, 90 minutes of football, every single one of those players are about to play the most important game of their careers to date. The fans will be nervous, and if an early goal doesnt come the nerves may pass on to the players. i just hope GJ keeps them calm, gets them to play positive football and deliver something we have wanted for a long, long time.

Come on City. Focus, lets get across that finish line

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Its annoying to me, that we are scratching around for goals and a striker who can find the net, when a City reject comes back from injury and bangs 2 against Rotherham yesterday. Steven Gillespie.

It will be another saturday of praying for our defenders to get a goal, and perhaps an own goal from Rotherham to help us along :whistle2:

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