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Should Andy Simth Get His Chance V Rotherham?


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Well, Jevo did nothing to warrant selection when he came on yesterday, despite having a great chance to level it at the end. IMO, we have to go for the jugular next week. None of this 4-5-1 business. We need to go two up top with JMW stretcing them on the left and hope Wilson does the same on the right.

Smith deserves his chance alongside the Noch now

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Amazing what some people will say "Give Smith a chance". Maybe scripts written for him, maybe its written for Basso. Maybe its written that we wil lose, the lose in play off finalm and get relegated next season a la Leeds.

However, all id say is as much as i applaud and like Smiths effort and work rate, its a bit risky to just sling him in there for the final match.

Imagine the scenes if SMith misses a hatful of chances and we draw. 6 games ago maybe, but not now

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Lot of you saying put Smith up front with Enoch. That means 4-4-2, and a midfielder would be dropped. Who would you suggest, Johnson, Russell or Noble.

The team for Rotherham will be a stern test for GJ. Can he drop any of his signings from the squad. He needs to select for a win, in other words pick the best players.

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Lot of you saying put Smith up front with Enoch. That means 4-4-2, and a midfielder would be dropped. Who would you suggest, Johnson, Russell or Noble.

The team for Rotherham will be a stern test for GJ. Can he drop any of his signings from the squad. He needs to select for a win, in other words pick the best players.

as long as he drops betsy i don't mind who he plays up front

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Lot of you saying put Smith up front with Enoch. That means 4-4-2, and a midfielder would be dropped. Who would you suggest, Johnson, Russell or Noble.

The team for Rotherham will be a stern test for GJ. Can he drop any of his signings from the squad. He needs to select for a win, in other words pick the best players.

Couldn't it mean 3-5-2 then? Noch and Smith could go up top with Nobe's in behind and Russell/LJ pulling the strings in the middle. Just because you play two strikers doesn't mean 4-4-2!

The main change for me is Betsy getting no where near the team, bench or changing room. Complete an utter waste of space that bloke.

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Smith has to play he's looked bright when he's played and i stand by the fact you cant come on with 10 minutes to play each week and be expected to change a game, its 90 or nothing.

people criticize the fact he has never scored, but he's hit the bar, post and made keepers pull off good saves, now noble and Jevons hardly power drove there one on ones yesterday and none of our other strikers seem to get on target. Showumni has his moments but i think he is inconsistent, however when he plays with smith me look good.

They say they don't score in ages then they come like buses.

Smithy may just be the ticket out this league, the real question is, will we get the chance to play the golden ticket.

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