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Hi Everyone!!

I'm a Birmingham City fan (Premiership club again :winner_third_h4h: !!!) and have adopted Bristol City as my second team.....my girlfriend supports them and has done for a long time, so I'm taking them as my second team, I'll be going to a few games I reckon...she's taking Birmingham as her second team.... (my BCFC tattoo works well for both clubs!! :laugh:)

I've always (since playing various football games over the years) looked out for their results going back to the days of Rob Newman, Joe Jordan, etc...and followed City so it's rather odd that I've ended up with a girlfriend that supports them!!!! :dancing6:

I'll no doubt post some inane rubbish and waffle along the way...... :whistle2: but I'll be about a fair bit posting...

Good luck for the match V's Rotherham which I'm sure we'll get the right result to see City in the Championship next season!!


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:laugh: - Good good, you should find this place like a home from home then.

Did you come down to AG in '99?

I don't like Trevor Frances.

I didn't, but I did a few years before that to watch a 0-0 draw.....think it was 0-0 (might have been 1-1) but it was a draw anyway and I recall seeing us get thumped by City at home too....not a good day for Blues that!!

It's Trevor Francis :whistle2: ......he's a legend but a pants manager, had loads of cash to spend but couldn't make the jump out of the division to the Premiership.


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and I recall seeing us get thumped by City at home too....not a good day for Blues that!!

Ahh yes the only game I've been to at Brums ground, what a day, 4-0 I think it was right and remember the city chants of "we'll be top by 5'oclock" and also got treated like animals by the police that day.

Yep just looked it up Jan 1990, 0-4 11,277

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Ahh yes the only game I've been to at Brums ground, what a day, 4-0 I think it was right and remember the city chants of "we'll be top by 5'oclock" and also got treated like animals by the police that day.

Yep just looked it up Jan 1990, 0-4 11,277

And Mark Gavin stood on the Corner flag Conducting us Singing He played a blinder that day

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Ahh yes the only game I've been to at Brums ground, what a day, 4-0 I think it was right and remember the city chants of "we'll be top by 5'oclock" and also got treated like animals by the police that day.

Yep just looked it up Jan 1990, 0-4 11,277

And Mark Gavin stood on the Corner flag Conducting us Singing He played a blinder that day

4-0 City away at Brum, folk recalling it, :clap::clap::clap:

Players going large too and ...

we'll be top by 5'oclock


There needs to be a 'hats off' smilie created.

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Remember the game well 4-0 super bob double, was sitting in the seats and went for a cuppa at half time and ended up in a mini riot as the food bar served home and away fans for some reason.

Then walking back to new street train station there hoolies seemed to be everywhere, this was definately one of those times that I was glad of a large contingent of our boys present.

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