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Land Of The Reds


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Once upon a time, there lived a mighty tribe called 'The Reds'. They lived in the kingdom of BS3, and were ruled by a wise and powerful man called King Stephen.

Now for many years 'The Reds' had fought battle after battle in an effort to reach more prosperous and fertile lands, but even though 'The Reds' had a large, experienced and passionate army, years of attrition had still left them short of the final goal.

Then, King Stephen, using his wealth and power, secured the services of a new, and promising General to lead the army. His name was Johnson. Now Johnson had proved his skill at smaller battles with 'The Green' army, and had won campaign victories.

General Johnson was to be assisted by Major Millen and between them, they had been tasked with taking 'The Reds' into new lands and opportunity. This was not going to be easy, as even though 'The Reds' were very strong there was some doubt as to whether, after many, many battles, that the local tribes could finally be over-powered.

General Johnson, saw that some of his officers did not like his way, and after a series of defeats, General Johnson threw, at his own men, a hand-grenade!.' The Reds' and army were in turmoil, now some officers survived, some did not, those that were left, followed General Johnson and Major Millen faithfully.

New officers were appointed and the army were buoyant again. Battle after battle followed, and even though 'The Reds' were not all-conquering, they were making significant gains into enemy territory, and achieving the results required to reach the promised lands.

There were many great victories, General Johnson had shown that his warriors were just as effective fighting on foreign soil as defending the holy kingdom of BS3. The army kept their morale, and even though they had come so close on many occasions before, they came in great numbers to support each other and General Johnson in the final push. 'The Reds' were on the march.

With two battles left, 'The Reds' came upon 'The Wall', a notoriously hardened enemy. A victory here would be decisive. But it was not meant to be, and after an arduous journey the army re-grouped for one last and all-important battle against 'The Ham'.

And so, after another long and taxing campaign, the goal is in sight. After many years the promised land is within striking distance, but others would gladly take the place of 'The Reds' if we were to fail at the last hurdle.

There is no hiding place now. King Stephen wants victory. General Johnson and Major Millen want it. 'The Reds' must perform greatly, one last time, backed by The army, who as always will be there in great numbers to hopefully achieve the final goal.

For Stephen, for Johnson, but most importantly, for 'The Reds' and the Red Army and their people, make the next battle a great victory and celebration.


The final chapter shall be added after the last battle.

ps Yes I am wasted. :city::city:

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I think u live in the land of make believe as much as the General Johnson and Major Millen.

Pretty unrealistic fairytale to be honest mate, ya didnt include any of the players. Where was mentions of "Captain Carey" and "Sargeant Showumni" not to mention "Banjo man Basso from the village in Brazil"

what about the court jesters in murrey and keogh

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Once upon a time, there lived a mighty tribe called 'The Reds'. They lived in the kingdom of BS3, and were ruled by a wise and powerful man called King Stephen.

Now for many years 'The Reds' had fought battle after battle in an effort to reach more prosperous and fertile lands, but even though 'The Reds' had a large, experienced and passionate army, years of attrition had still left them short of the final goal.

Then, King Stephen, using his wealth and power, secured the services of a new, and promising General to lead the army. His name was Johnson. Now Johnson had proved his skill at smaller battles with 'The Green' army, and had won campaign victories.

General Johnson was to be assisted by Major Millen and between them, they had been tasked with taking 'The Reds' into new lands and opportunity. This was not going to be easy, as even though 'The Reds' were very strong there was some doubt as to whether, after many, many battles, that the local tribes could finally be over-powered.

General Johnson, saw that some of his officers did not like his way, and after a series of defeats, General Johnson threw, at his own men, a hand-grenade!.' The Reds' and army were in turmoil, now some officers survived, some did not, those that were left, followed General Johnson and Major Millen faithfully.

New officers were appointed and the army were buoyant again. Battle after battle followed, and even though 'The Reds' were not all-conquering, they were making significant gains into enemy territory, and achieving the results required to reach the promised lands.

There were many great victories, General Johnson had shown that his warriors were just as effective fighting on foreign soil as defending the holy kingdom of BS3. The army kept their morale, and even though they had come so close on many occasions before, they came in great numbers to support each other and General Johnson in the final push. 'The Reds' were on the march.

With two battles left, 'The Reds' came upon 'The Wall', a notoriously hardened enemy. A victory here would be decisive. But it was not meant to be, and after an arduous journey the army re-grouped for one last and all-important battle against 'The Ham'.

And so, after another long and taxing campaign, the goal is in sight. After many years the promised land is within striking distance, but others would gladly take the place of 'The Reds' if we were to fail at the last hurdle.

There is no hiding place now. King Stephen wants victory. General Johnson and Major Millen want it. 'The Reds' must perform greatly, one last time, backed by The army, who as always will be there in great numbers to hopefully achieve the final goal.

For Stephen, for Johnson, but most importantly, for 'The Reds' and the Red Army and their people, make the next battle a great victory and celebration.


The final chapter shall be added after the last battle.

ps Yes I am wasted. :city::city:

I think u live in the land of make believe as much as the General Johnson and Major Millen.

Pretty unrealistic fairytale to be honest mate, ya didnt include any of the players. Where was mentions of "Captain Carey" and "Sargeant Showumni" not to mention "Banjo man Basso from the village in Brazil"

Well I thought it was funny anyway.

it was indeed funny dolly marie but didnt ya ask yaself "what the hell"


And so it came to pass, that the Red Army defeated the Rotherham army and advanced to the promised lands of the Championship.

We have reached the ultimate goal. King Stephen had satisfied his citizens, General Johnson had commanded his army to victory and new lands. Perhaps Lord Johnson was today created at the council house for services rendered to the kingdom of BS3.

All was well in the land of the reds. The red army now had to focus on a fresh and challenging campaign to prove themselves as a viable force in a higher field of combat in the lands of the Championship.

'What the hell'.

The campaign will not fail because of a lack of support from it's troops.

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