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Coaches Weren't Lost - Says Colin Sexstone In The Ep


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On Page 2, column 5 of today's Evening Post, is an article entitled:


fans miss

first half

of game

The article ends with the following statement from City's CEO, Colin Sexstone:

"I understand that there was an accident on the M4 which held up the coaches.

"They did not get lost. Peter Carol has moved Bristol City supporters around the country for more than 15 years and they have been to Millwall many times.

"Some fans missed as much as 30 minutes of the game, but the coach drivers had to follow police instructions."

There appear to be holes in Colins' argument, given that some fans missed more than 30 minutes of the match. Can he categorically state that none of the 19 coaches got lost. Additionally, weren't there other firms providing coaches on Saturday? I counted Berkley and Baker Dolphin as well as Peter Carol.

What do you think?

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yep i was definately on a berkely coach and we were definately lost, if he wants to argue he can ask every coach passenger on coach 5!! we also saw a coach facing the wrong way asking for directions from the locals, we also did this once, but NO we werent lost we had already been told by the police to drive round london the wrong way and ask for directions from random londoners, IT WAS ALL PLANNED DON'T WORRY!!

pipe down SL with your lies

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  • SC&T Board Members
On Page 2, column 5 of today's Evening Post, is an article entitled:


fans miss

first half

of game

The article ends with the following statement from City's CEO, Colin Sexstone:

"I understand that there was an accident on the M4 which held up the coaches.

"They did not get lost. Peter Carol has moved Bristol City supporters around the country for more than 15 years and they have been to Millwall many times.

"Some fans missed as much as 30 minutes of the game, but the coach drivers had to follow police instructions."

There seem to be some holes in Colins' argument, given that some fans missed more than 30 minutes of the match and may have got lost. Additionally, weren't there other coach firms providing coaches on Saturday? I counted Berkley and Baker Dolphin as well as Peter Carol.

What do you think?

I think that's a poor resposne, but unfortunately what one has come to expect from CS, who clearly has little empathy with bread and butter fans. I would not muddy the waters over the identity of the coach companies involved. That quote from CS seems to confirm what I suspected, i.e. that City contracted as usual with Peter Carol and that they - presumably through not having enough coaches of their own available - sub-contracted to the likes of Berkleys and Baker Dolphin.

The club's statement on the OS also appears to be trying to play down the significance of the problem. It's a poor show.

At this stage, the club should simply be apologising without reservation, admitting that it failed the fans and then looking into the reasons and seeking recompense from Peter Carol. Instead, they appear to be looking to wriggle out of responsibility.

In a week when the last thing the club needs is any bad feeling towards it from the fans, they have not started well!

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I think that's a poor resposne, but unfortunately what one has come to expect from CS, who clearly has little empathy with bread and butter fans. I would not muddy the waters over the identity of the coach companies involved. That quote from CS seems to confirm what I suspected, i.e. that City contracted as usual with Peter Carol and that they - presumably through not having enough coaches of their own available - sub-contracted to the likes of Berkleys and Baker Dolphin.

The club's statement on the OS also appears to be trying to play down the significance of the problem. It's a poor show.

At this stage, the club should simply be apologising without reservation, admitting that it failed the fans and then looking into the reasons and seeking recompense from Peter Carol. Instead, they appear to be looking to wriggle out of responsibility.

In a week when the last thing the club needs is any bad feeling towards it from the fans, they have not started well!

Fully agree with every word BR.

I went by train, which was always going to be a better day, and I would never travel by official coach - except of course when civil liberties cease to exist at Swansea. I suppose the reason why so many choose to go by coach is their perception it will be safer and guaranteed to get there on time.

I've read a post elswhere where for example one coach had to do a 3 point turn because he was going the wrong way. Perhaps CS would like to reconcile that with his assertion the coaches weren't lost.

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Further questions for the club:

On Saturday, CATS were transporting nearly 1,000 fans. If there was no City employee in charge of the operation on the day - as I suspect is the case - is that not irresponsible? Should not one 'operations manager' have been in mobile phone contact with all 19 coaches AND the police AND the 2 clubs. Was any request ever made by BCFC to have the kick-off delayed? Was CS or his representative on the day even aware at 14.45 that c. 1,000 City fans had not arrived at the ground? If not, why not?

I have asked the ST chairman to put these questions to the club.

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On Page 2, column 5 of today's Evening Post, is an article entitled:


fans miss

first half

of game

The article ends with the following statement from City's CEO, Colin Sexstone:

"I understand that there was an accident on the M4 which held up the coaches.

"They did not get lost. Peter Carol has moved Bristol City supporters around the country for more than 15 years and they have been to Millwall many times.

"Some fans missed as much as 30 minutes of the game, but the coach drivers had to follow police instructions."

There appear to be holes in Colins' argument, given that some fans missed more than 30 minutes of the match. Can he categorically state that none of the 19 coaches got lost. Additionally, weren't there other firms providing coaches on Saturday? I counted Berkley and Baker Dolphin as well as Peter Carol.

What do you think?

We were totally lost, at one point our driver pulled over and asked a member of the public where the New Den was........

As for the accident on the motorway, we were stuck in that for 30 minutes.......I got to the game at half time

Take that accident away, we still wouldnt have got their until about 3.20pm anyway......

So Mr Sexstone, crap excuse......

As for this "investigation", what it should really say on the end is this...........

"The investigation will be concluded after the Rotherham game, where we hope we will get promoted and will help in taking away all the anger at the shambles that was Millwall"

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We were totally lost, at one point our driver pulled over and asked a member of the public where the New Den was........

As for the accident on the motorway, we were stuck in that for 30 minutes.......I got to the game at half time

Take that accident away, we still wouldnt have got their until about 3.20pm anyway......

So Mr Sexstone, crap excuse......

As for this "investigation", what it should really say on the end is this...........

"The investigation will be concluded after the Rotherham game, where we hope we will get promoted and will help in taking away all the anger at the shambles that was Millwall"

One of my friends who went said exactly the same - that the driver asked for directions.

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Marie, as you weren't part of Saturday's Magical Mystery Tour, you'd appreciate that it's difficult to toe the party line.

No you're right I wasnt, and if coach drivers didnt know where they were going then thats totally not on, I'm not against anyone complaining here, but the club have said they are investigating.

And as we already know it wasnt just Peter Carol ferrying people about on Saturday, how much of the EP's story can we believe? The official statement says they are looking into what went wrong, so maybe lets just give them a chance to do this.

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Was any request ever made by BCFC to have the kick-off delayed? Was CS or his representative on the day even aware at 14.45 that c. 1,000 City fans had not arrived at the ground? If not, why not?

An excellent point. There was a surreal atmos in the ground. Everyone was wondering what had happened and although professional footballers should not be affected, it is inevitable that players respond adversely to a lack of support. It must have been weird for them warming up with no one there.

Remember too that all of us on the trains from London Bridge were deliberately held up. I know some guys left The George just outside the station at 1.40 were still waiting for the train to leave London Bridge at 2.30.

c**k-up or conspiracy?

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No you're right I wasnt, and if coach drivers didnt know where they were going then thats totally not on, I'm not against anyone complaining here, but the club have said they are investigating.

And as we already know it wasnt just Peter Carol ferrying people about on Saturday, how much of the EP's story can we believe? The official statement says they are looking into what went wrong.

Marie, Colin Sexstone referred to Peter Carol, not the Evening Post. This is not an Evening Post conspiracy Marie, it's a chance for poorly treated fans to air their views.

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What do you think?

Not that i am a "bus" spotter, :whistle2:

but even i could see that the coaches were from different companies!!, :disapointed2se:

But what do you expect Sextone to say??, :pacifier:

SORRY!!, :violin:

Of course not!!.

He is only interested in the Premier seating and possible success of the West Country's sleeping giant!!.

Any decent club, who thought a great deal of their fans would get on the coach providers back, first thing asking for answers!!.

Like if the Met Police wanted to escort the coaches from a designated area, why were the coaches not given instructions to be there at a certain time??. :argh:

If there were problems on the M4 with an accident, why weren't the coach drivers given each others mobile numbers so they could pre warn, or keep in contact with alternative routes??. :phone:

Surely the Coach drivers would know which service stations to use, how long to stay there for and to be honest, with such a relative short trip up the M4, were they necessary??, :dunno:

Also the coaches would of had a designated route to follow to get in and out of the New Den with the minimum of hassle, so what was this route??

Did it involve using the M25 or the South Circular??.

Or going via the Westway, then through the centre of London??.

The supporters of Bristol City, the ones who pay week in week out to follow this club, who's hard earned cash helps keep City afloat, who pay the wages of the players, and who deserve a voice, and an opinion deserve proper answers, so this type of thing can be avoided in the future, the Club can insist on better planning from the coach providers,

after all,

if we win on Saturday,

and we gain promotion,

won't there be a bigger demand for travel to Away games next season??.

Supporters hungry for visiting new grounds, watching a better quality of football??.

Or are Lansdown and Sextone hoping that we don't go up, so they don't have to pay more to Wycombe for Betsy, they won't have to pay out more in wages, Policing, etc.

The added cost of going up!!.

It's about time the people who invest in this club listen to those who really mater,



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An excellent point. There was a surreal atmos in the ground. Everyone was wondering what had happened and although professional footballers should not be affected, it is inevitable that players respond adversely to a lack of support. It must have been weird for them warming up with no one there.

Remember too that all of us on the trains from London Bridge were deliberately held up. I know some guys left The George just outside the station at 1.40 were still waiting for the train to leave London Bridge at 2.30.

c**k-up or conspiracy?

You've got it exactly right..it WAs weird......We arrived at the Den just after 2pm having fortunately travelled up early by car to Brentford and then tube/pub/London Bridge, The Police were controlling the exit of trains from LB to Sth Ber - trying to move fans down in large escorted groups I suppose , as normally there's 8 trains per hour leaving LB that stop at Sth Ber leaving from several different platforms going on to different lines/destinations. The police were directing fans out onto 1 platform only - no real problem with that given the nature of the home fans.

The point is though that at 2.15 the concousre was very empty, with only a few drinking, and when we took our seats the stand was almost empty.SL was down on the touchline with GJ watching the team warm up and (not sure but it looked like SL was maybe being interviewed by someone)..SL was there until around 2.45/2.50 ...surely he wondered where all the fans were- knowing as he did it was a sell out.....and surely both CS and SL must have noticed when they looked towards the North Stand during the first half that there were large numbers of empty seats....and noticed the big disruption when people were arriving just before H/T and into the 2nd half.

You would have though they might have asked their opposite numbers at Millwall if there was a problem..---given that is was so obvious that something had happened....


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Marie, Colin Sexstone referred to Peter Carol, not the Evening Post. This is not an Evening Post conspiracy Marie, it's a chance for poorly treated fans to air their views.

Mark the point I'm trying to make is that the EP has in the past so called "quoted" things that have "been said" when that hasnt always been the case, so maybe they have "quoted" what Colin has said when he hasnt said anything at all. I doubt the club would have spoken to the EP in time to release todays article before they have even released a statement themselves on the clubs official website. I'm not arguing that what happened wasnt good enough I'm arguing about the authenticity of the EP's report.

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Mark the point I'm trying to make is that the EP has in the past so called "quoted" things that have "been said" when that hasnt always been the case, so maybe they have "quoted" what Colin has said when he hasnt said anything at all. I doubt the club would have spoken to the EP in time to release todays article before they have even released a statement themselves on the clubs official website. I'm not arguing that what happened wasnt good enough I'm arguing about the authenticity of the EP's report.

Very true. I still think we are owed a fulll and proper explanation and apology. Possibly some sort of refund aswell.

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ahh..Berkeley coaches, can't understand why City still use them, the last time I was an the CATS service (apart from Swansea games) we got lost on the way to the Walkers Stadium.

all the coaches took an exit off of the motorway apart from ours, because our driver believed they were ALL going the wrong way, despite the BIG BLUE MOTORWAY sign saying LEICESTER CITY FC - this exit!

never used Cats again since and am not suprised to hear of people having problems with the Berkeley Coaches

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ahh..Berkeley coaches, can't understand why City still use them, the last time I was an the CATS service (apart from Swansea games) we got lost on the way to the Walkers Stadium.

all the coaches took an exit off of the motorway apart from ours, because our driver believed they were ALL going the wrong way, despite the BIG BLUE MOTORWAY sign saying LEICESTER CITY FC - this exit!

never used Cats again since and am not suprised to hear of people having problems with the Berkeley Coaches

To be fair. When i got to AG saturday morning, i only remember seeing 1 Peter Carol coach. The majority of the rest was Bakers Dolphin. One of which i was on.

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My coach was late as well.

There seemed to be no communication between the coaches, they just pot lucked their way to the ground, and it did not work.

There needs to be an official apology from the club, it was total unacceptable.

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Mark the point I'm trying to make is that the EP has in the past so called "quoted" things that have "been said" when that hasnt always been the case, so maybe they have "quoted" what Colin has said when he hasnt said anything at all. I doubt the club would have spoken to the EP in time to release todays article before they have even released a statement themselves on the clubs official website. I'm not arguing that what happened wasnt good enough I'm arguing about the authenticity of the EP's report.

Dolly, I think even the EP are unlikely to misattribute a direct quote. Assuming Mark's post is a direct copy of what is in the EP (I haven't seen it myself), then CS's quote is there in black and white in quotation marks. That is normally - with all papers - the distinction between third-hand attribution of something that someone is 'said to have said', but may not have, and what indeed they did actually say. As it appears in quotation marks, I think we can take it as read that CS is trying to wriggle out of responsibility and did indeed say the coaches "were not lost". Clearly that statement flies in the face of first hand reports from many fans on this forum and was at the best ill advised and ill informed ... if not downright dismissive of the fans' problems.

So far the club's reponse to this shambles remains poor - I wait with interest to see how it develops as they conclude their 'investigation'.

PS - Have just seen the club's offer of compensation on the OS and admission that some of the drivers were inexperienced ... that's more like it. If CS had not made his earlier statement and this offer had been posted at 9am, then they would have handled the situation well. 8/10 as it is.

The question remains, however: Was CS or anyone else in authority at BCFC aware of the delays on Saturday and was any request made to Millwall / the police to have the kick-off delayed? If not, why not?

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Unfortunately, I've come to expect this sort of response from CS. This was a perfect chance for him to regain some creditablity amongst the fans and he pipes up with his usual ignorant rubbish.

Why can't SL come out and comment on this? With all the money his company is rumoured to make him in the the coming weeks I'm sure he could afford to either refund those affected or provide them with at least a free CATS voucher for next season/play-offs. It would be nothing more than a tiny drop in the ocean.

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Mark the point I'm trying to make is that the EP has in the past so called "quoted" things that have "been said" when that hasnt always been the case, so maybe they have "quoted" what Colin has said when he hasnt said anything at all. I doubt the club would have spoken to the EP in time to release todays article before they have even released a statement themselves on the clubs official website. I'm not arguing that what happened wasnt good enough I'm arguing about the authenticity of the EP's report.

Marie, its a direct quote from Colin Sexstone, copied from the Evening Post. I'm disappointed that you're choosing to blame the Evening Post, rather than keeping an open mind about City supporters' genuine grievances. Especially considering that you're a board member of the Supporters Trust.

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Its a quote from what the EP says Colin Sextone has said. If it was Colin saying it on the official site then it would be true, as its the EP I doubt it. As I said earlier, why would the EP be running a story when the club themselves havent even commented yet?

People have short memories around here of the way the EP likes to treat Bristol City and its fans.

And I know of another non football related article last week that the EP ran that just wasnt true.

Bh Red still has his avatar reminding us of the last EP muck up.

And just because I'm part of the Supporters Trust (of which you are still a member Mark and are still doing work for) doesnt mean I am not entitled to an opinion.

If you want to get into a war of words bring it on. As you write for the EP do you not think you might have a slightly biased view on things as well?

The club have offered refunds. End of arguement.

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