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Our Cup Final!


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This coming Saturday can be equated to to a cup final. The major difference is that instead of playing at a neutral ground, we are fortunate enough to be at home. If it was a cup final, the odds would be stacked in our favour.

The prize, for this club, is as big as any cup.

Therefore we, the fans, need to treat it as a cup final. Have a fantastic day out. Sing till we burst. Roar the lads on to victory. :winner_third_h4h:

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This coming Saturday can be equated to to a cup final. The major difference is that instead of playing at a neutral ground, we are fortunate enough to be at home. If it was a cup final, the odds would be stacked in our favour.

The prize, for this club, is as big as any cup.

Therefore we, the fans, need to treat it as a cup final. Have a fantastic day out. Sing till we burst. Roar the lads on to victory. :winner_third_h4h:

Jesus, do not compare this to a cup tie, we know what can happen in the cup. I may sound like one of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse, but lets just give it large on Sat. stop building it up on here. If I was M Robins I would be printing these threads out and posting them on the dressing room wall to motivate my players.

Roll on Sat, this week is dragging already!! :noexpression:

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