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Whitchurch And Ag Saturday


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...was on me.

I went to AG on Sat morning to pick up my screening ticket. I was quite impressed with the setup. They had a "corporate" guiness bar where the posh cars normally park outside the Williams. I did chuckle though when I saw a "Home Supporters Only" sign over the East End entrance! I thought if the EastEnd campaigners see this they'll either burst out crying or just sit down and laugh.

Anyway, I left AG and headed straight to Whitchurch. This took 5 minutes longer than I thought it would as I got lost and ended up parking in a car boot sale by mistake due to an inexperienced driver and terrible traffic.

The atmosphere at Whitchurch was reasonable but two things stood out for me. The first was the heavy handed policing. OK, so there were only 5 policeman in their white van and riot gear but really, what did they expect? Millwall mob to turn up on mass for a ruck? What a waste of police resources. The second point was that Everton vs ManUre was the warm up act. And things were going well for 60 minutes until ManU scored. There was a huge roar of delight from the crowd. All of these people were City fans who had paid good money to be there. Why were they so excited to see ManU score? I don't understand this two timing love interest. I'm old fashioned and prefer monogamy to Mormons. How can you love City and ManU? It just doesn't compute.

And the last laugh...it turns out Gloucester were at home against Bristol so it was Gloucester fans in the East End not Bristol. :wacko:

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got their just in time for the 4th goal, with no idea of the score, heard a cheer and thought that a City past match was on the big screen as a warm up.

walked in and said the words "****** hell the scum are winning" and the amount of looks I got.shocking! why do some many people care about supporting a 2nd team, Bristol City brings me enough depression, why support a 2nd team to make me feel down!

some people have too much time on their hands

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I think it's due to the reason that if Man Utd win then its harder for Chelsea to win the premiership. I hate to see Chelsea win any silverware so I'd like the other top sides to do well and prevent them from achieving anything. My own thought though, Other people may think differently.

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Yeah I agree think people would rather united win the league than chelsea

Especially this season the way each side approaches the games. Man Utd have a very cavalier attitude much like KK's Newcastle side where they just want to attack (only unlike KK's side, they can defend a bit as well). Chelsea meanwhile are playing more like an Italian side in that they are very tough to break down but usually have enough talent in the side to break down their opponents.

If you're not a fan of either side, the cavalier football will normally be the more attractive to watch and you would probably like to see that style of football rewarded.

That's one of the reasons I was disappointed to see Tottenham knocked out of Europe, when on fire they are a joy to watch offensively.

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I'm a chelsea fan and have been for about 12/13 years now. I was listening to Radio 5 live on the coach saturday to the Man Ure and Chelsea games, and, when Chelsea scored, a kid who mustve ben about 11 started cheering to himself. Got me thinking a bit to be honest.

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I support Bristol City and Manchester United. I have explained my reasoning before but basically it comes from the fact that my Father did and his father did so when I was brought up it was always City and Man Utd. I love watching Man Utd and I go up about 6/7 times per year and I don't find it distracts form my love for City at all....

RG 2005 - does that make you want to punch me? I would be interested in your reasoning?

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I support Bristol City and Manchester United. I have explained my reasoning before but basically it comes from the fact that my Father did and his father did so when I was brought up it was always City and Man Utd. I love watching Man Utd and I go up about 6/7 times per year and I don't find it distracts form my love for City at all....

RG 2005 - does that make you want to punch me? I would be interested in your reasoning?

Unless you have a real connection with Manchester, your just another numpty.... how many times have you seen the scum play?

Why support a team 200 miles away? there are over a 100 teams nearer!

Its not the club you support, its the glory.......... you cant tell me you took a stroll down to the ground one day and fell in love... cos its too far to walk.......

"My dad supports them" is a common excuse or "i've supported them since i was a kid"

but the thing is your not supporting a football club, your supporting a corporation and there laughing at you for being stupid enough to buy there shirt every year along with millions of other glory hunters/armchair supporter

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The atmosphere at Whitchurch was reasonable but two things stood out for me. The first was the heavy handed policing. OK, so there were only 5 policeman in their white van and riot gear but really, what did they expect? Millwall mob to turn up on mass for a ruck? What a waste of police resources.

Why would anyone want the scum win the title??

I almost punched a couple of people when man u was on.....

they kept saying "were going to win the title now"

thick b**t**ds

....and there, Chivs, is your answer :disapointed2se:

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I support Bristol City and Manchester United. I have explained my reasoning before but basically it comes from the fact that my Father did and his father did so when I was brought up it was always City and Man Utd. I love watching Man Utd and I go up about 6/7 times per year and I don't find it distracts form my love for City at all....

RG 2005 - does that make you want to punch me? I would be interested in your reasoning?

Which cricket team do you support?..........Lancashire i guess ? :whistle2:

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Personally, I can't see how any City fan could "support" Man Ure, or Chelsea or anybody else for that matter. I hate Man Ure and their fans with a passion and to be honest, anybody who says they've been "supporting" Chelsea for longer than the past couple of years is lying. Growing up in Junior School way back in '78, I had to put up with the same. I was City through and through, the only kid in the school who was. Why?? 'Cos Liverpool were winning everything in site and it was easy to jump on the ###### bandwaggon.

I hate the site of kids (and adults) wearing Man Ure shirts and Chelsea shirts. Why not a City shirt? Or a Rovers shirt?? ###### glory hunters. I've seen City bottom of the entire football league, yet my love for them never died. Thats when they needed me most and I was there, shirt 'n' all.

So, call yourself a City fan AND a Man Ure fan?? You make me sick

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No, but it perfectly illustrates that everybody is free to support any team they like in whatever manner they like.

There always seems to be a lot of one-upmanship on this forum. People are always laying claim to being more of a fan of City than others, and it seems that at the moment these people are saying that having a second team makes you less of a fan. It doesn't matter one jot, your support for your team (or teams) is a very personal thing and you shouldn't have to justify it to anybody.

Personally I am way more offended by people that buy manufactured pop music than I am Man Utd fans from Bristol. Despite the fact that my argument should be that people are free to listen to what they want, I just can't see how people want to listen to things like Girls Aloud or Beyonce or Eminem or whatever other rubbish there is out there.

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I hate Man Ure and their fans with a passion and to be honest, anybody who says they've been "supporting" Chelsea for longer than the past couple of years is lying.

No they're not!! I personally know at least two people that have been Chelsea fans for over twenty years! Amongst regular Ashton Gate supporters I have also known people that would claim Leeds, Man Utd, Arsenal, West Ham and a host of other clubs as their first choice. They are also City fans but only out of convenience more than anything else.

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Personally, I can't see how any City fan could "support" Man Ure, or Chelsea or anybody else for that matter. I hate Man Ure and their fans with a passion and to be honest, anybody who says they've been "supporting" Chelsea for longer than the past couple of years is lying. Growing up in Junior School way back in '78, I had to put up with the same. I was City through and through, the only kid in the school who was. Why?? 'Cos Liverpool were winning everything in site and it was easy to jump on the ###### bandwaggon.

I hate the site of kids (and adults) wearing Man Ure shirts and Chelsea shirts. Why not a City shirt? Or a Rovers shirt?? ###### glory hunters. I've seen City bottom of the entire football league, yet my love for them never died. Thats when they needed me most and I was there, shirt 'n' all.

So, call yourself a City fan AND a Man Ure fan?? You make me sick

So just because, for reasons which you don't deserve to know about why i support chelsea, and i say i have for about 12/13 years (which is gods honest truth), then that automatically makes me a liar does it?! Its people like you that make me sick. People who automaticaly think that because people support a team at the top of the premiership ASWELL AS their local team, that they are glory hunters?!

Who gives a sh1t if youve seen city at the bottom of the entire football league. You certainly aint the only one but no one else on here comes on here and spurts that out, desperatly trying to get people to believe you are a true fan.

For once, i am actually going to stick up for a United fan because i gurantee he is in the same boat as me. Supported them when they werent doing well and barely maknig the top 6. Every time i wear my chelsea shirt in public, i always have comments made to me and get dirty looks and I'm sick of it. Its 8/9 year old kids who are the instigators of people like me and lukejones getting dirty looks etc.

So before you go spurting this crap, think about what you are saying, think that people that support United and Chelsea have supported them longer than they have been winning everything and axtually have a genuine reason to!

Rant over... And breathe!

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So, every time I'm going to go and watch somerset, I'm going to go from patchway am i? When i could easily jump on the 75 to the Vounty Ground and watch Gloucestershire with my mates. don't think so

Does it go past the memorial ground as well?

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So just because, for reasons which you don't deserve to know about why i support chelsea, and i say i have for about 12/13 years (which is gods honest truth), then that automatically makes me a liar does it?! Its people like you that make me sick. People who automaticaly think that because people support a team at the top of the premiership ASWELL AS their local team, that they are glory hunters?!

Who gives a sh1t if youve seen city at the bottom of the entire football league. You certainly aint the only one but no one else on here comes on here and spurts that out, desperatly trying to get people to believe you are a true fan.

For once, i am actually going to stick up for a United fan because i gurantee he is in the same boat as me. Supported them when they werent doing well and barely maknig the top 6. Every time i wear my chelsea shirt in public, i always have comments made to me and get dirty looks and I'm sick of it. Its 8/9 year old kids who are the instigators of people like me and lukejones getting dirty looks etc.

So before you go spurting this crap, think about what you are saying, think that people that support United and Chelsea have supported them longer than they have been winning everything and axtually have a genuine reason to!

Rant over... And breathe!

A regular at the Bridge, are we??? Thought not.

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A regular at the Bridge, are we??? Thought not.

When ive got a seson ticket for city, the vast majority of seats are taken by season ticket holders then not a regular. But i get to as many games as possible.

And anyway, just because i cant get to as many chelsea games as id like to, doesnt make me less of a fan than someone who can afford and is lucky enough to get a season ticket in the Shed End. Or the Matthew Harding Stand for that matter.

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Personally, I can't see how any City fan could "support" Man Ure, or Chelsea or anybody else for that matter. I hate Man Ure and their fans with a passion and to be honest, anybody who says they've been "supporting" Chelsea for longer than the past couple of years is lying. Growing up in Junior School way back in '78, I had to put up with the same. I was City through and through, the only kid in the school who was. Why?? 'Cos Liverpool were winning everything in site and it was easy to jump on the ###### bandwaggon.

I hate the site of kids (and adults) wearing Man Ure shirts and Chelsea shirts. Why not a City shirt? Or a Rovers shirt?? ###### glory hunters. I've seen City bottom of the entire football league, yet my love for them never died. Thats when they needed me most and I was there, shirt 'n' all.

So, call yourself a City fan AND a Man Ure fan?? You make me sick

Amen to that

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