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The Rotherham Forum


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just had a little look at the rotherham forum mostly forest fans asking for a favour on saturday. how pathetic can you get?

And of course, we werent all praying that Sheffield Wednesday would do us a favour a few years ago??

They want their team to go up!!!! Its hardly surprising is it?

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It's the same on the BBC 606 Rotherham forum !!

And the Englandfans forum.

Seems the Rotherham fans are split on there though. Half are saying if they can go to Forest and get a 1-1 in front of 27,000 then they can do it at the Gate and the other half are saying they are truely dreadful at the moment. Here's hoping for the latter!

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Guest Kermit
just had a little look at the rotherham forum mostly forest fans asking for a favour on saturday. how pathetic can you get?

I'm sure a pocket of Forest internet fans asking a pocket of Rotherham internet fans is going to have a huge influence on who gets promoted......

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And the Englandfans forum.

Seems the Rotherham fans are split on there though. Half are saying if they can go to Forest and get a 1-1 in front of 27,000 then they can do it at the Gate and the other half are saying they are truely dreadful at the moment. Here's hoping for the latter!

Furthermore, this was lifted from the same forum when Forest fans were begging Rotherham to do them a favour and the Rothy fan says:

"Adam, sorry to tell you but the players don't give a rats mate, if they had half as much passion as us traveling the country year after year then we wouldn't be in this mess, the minus 10 excuse doesnt wash with us, as we pulled that around then proceeded to go 19 games without a win.

2-0 up against garbage like Cheltenham and losing 4-2 with a wimper in your final home game says it all really.

Not many of us see it getting much better next season. We are too weak, poor at the back and nothing up front with any cutting edge. Can;t remember the last time we scored from a set piece, something alot of people associate with us - people get a false picture of Rotherham from past years without actually scouting us, we are a far cry from being 'big strong and physical"

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I would not under estimate the danger Rotherham can pose.

* Last game in the division, nothing to play for, no pressure - provides a certain freedom perhaps our on players will not have

* Playing in front of a sell out 5 figure crowd inspires both teams

* Mark Robins knows a thing or two about the City set up - including being aware how the crowd can turn on their own if they are frustrated

Hope to be wrong, but silly to call it a walk in the park.

(And I do not expect this post to influence the outcome in anyway either)

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