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Premier Club

Bristol Boy

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:preacher: I understand that the 67 Rotherham Fans who have purchased tickets for the EE will now be accommodated in The Premier Club as special guests and that another 1,000 City Fans will be offered tickets for the EE taking the number in there up to almost 5,000.This still means that 500 seats will be empty however that's necessary because...........er, well, it is right, so shut up or we'll have you, gottit?? :preacher:

1,000 x £17 = £17,000

67 x £45 = £3,015

Coaches will leave Rotherham tomorrow and travel to the game via Cornwall & Glasgow, to avoid the congestion if through London you go which is on way from Yorkyshire, init, according to a nice Polish Man I just spoke to at Peter Carroll.

Whilst the Premier Club Seats will be offered at cost, Rotherham have confirmed that coach travel will be £9,000 each with the price including a Donkey Ride at Hull, Cleethorpes, The New Forest & WSM before arriving in Bristol at around 7.30pm on Saturday after which fans will be kept in after the game until a week Sunday.

A spokesman for the Met Police, Football Liaison Officer Insp Jobsworth-Truckwit, who have been hired to control the game said "We hope the scum who attend enjoy the day and have made arrangements to deter football fans with no criminal record and a modecom of intelligence from attending.Anyone standing up, singing or in possesion of whit, humour and opinion will, of course be dealt with severely"

"Whilst we want people to enjoy themselves, it is clearly our intention that they don't and they get back to their council houses and sheltered accommodation where they can get on with the business of dealing drugs and firearms, which, let's face it, is where this riff raff belong, when not banged up in Horfield with the other dregs of society such as Speeding Motorists"

Insp Truckwit would not be drawn on allegations that he wanted the ground empty but added "Given the requirements of my officers after liaison with the Health & Safety Executive, we have decided that the game will be five-a-side because if you have all those people on the field someones bound to collide.I mean, look at the size of that Showunmi for a start, what if he fell on someone?"

A spokesman for the Evening Post in a balanced, objective reply added "It's fair enough really, especially when you consider half of the team are hardened criminals and belong behind bars, the Ba*****s" Wouldn't it be nice if they were more like Rovers and Ashton Gate showd some of the tranquility associated with Gloucs Rd"

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That's extremely funny Ian and on a serious note the thought has also ocurred to me that the Rotherham fans could be put in the Premier Seating, where apparently the segregation rules do not apply, thus freeing up another 1,500 seats to City fans at the loss only of 67 prawn sandwich munchers.

And then I thought some more, and came to the conclusion that making such a suggestion to the jobsworths and health & safety brigade in power would be more like pi$$ing in the wind than, well, pi$$ing in the wind.

Come the revolution.

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Nice one and any fans not on official coaches will be routemarched to Bristol TM and allowed to embark at Paddington. If there was a river Kwai on the way the police would make them build a bridge.

You forgot the bit about being routemarched to TM even if you live in Bedminster :disapointed2se:

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You forgot the bit about being routemarched to TM even if you live in Bedminster :disapointed2se:

My brother and I didn't want to go to Paddington but we ended up drinking at Edgware Road then walked to Lord's Tavern to watch a bit of the cricket final then on to Finchley Road for a few more beers and a curry. Back to Euston then to Watford - what a circus!

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My brother and I didn't want to go to Paddington but we ended up drinking at Edgware Road then walked to Lord's Tavern to watch a bit of the cricket final then on to Finchley Road for a few more beers and a curry. Back to Euston then to Watford - what a circus!

You went to Oxford & Piccadily Circus as well...Brilliant :innocent06:

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In the event of any of City's younger more excitable/chavvy little urchin fans (*delete as you feel appropriate) on the pitch approaching the Rotherham fans to goad them over their loss will result in the Rotherham fans being sprayed with CS gas.

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In the event of any of City's younger more excitable/chavvy little urchin fans (*delete as you feel appropriate) on the pitch approaching the Rotherham fans to goad them over their loss will result in the Rotherham fans being sprayed with CS gas.

If any Chavvy City fans on the pitch start to goad the Rotherham fans on Saturday (If/when we win)then they deserve a damn good slapping!

We should (if/when) invite the Rotherham fans to join in if they want to. Let's be nice and welcoming for a change.

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If any Chavvy City fans on the pitch start to goad the Rotherham fans on Saturday (If/when we win)then they deserve a damn good slapping!

We should (if/when) invite the Rotherham fans to join in if they want to. Let's be nice and welcoming for a change.

Agreed really, although there's no way that every one of 20,000 others will and I'm not going to become moralistic over it.

I was only actually using the point to illustrate further diabolical treatment of law abiding citizens (who happen to be Football/City fans) by the authorities at the R*vers game thus joining in with Bristol Boy's ridecule of them.

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If any Chavvy City fans on the pitch start to goad the Rotherham fans on Saturday (If/when we win)then they deserve a damn good slapping!

We should (if/when) invite the Rotherham fans to join in if they want to. Let's be nice and welcoming for a change.

Gotta be honest... the most enjoyable end of season pitch invasion i remember was after the Preston game. Almost in unison, City fans walked over to the away end and applauded their fans and congratulated them on promotion. Now, i know we can't exactly congratulate Rotherham on their relegation (well we could, but that would be a bit mean!), but applauding them for coming all that way for a meaningless match would be cool. That Preston game made me proud to be a City fan.

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ok everyone.... if you're up for this, then old tunnel is the rendevous point.. I'll try and drag Browner_11 with me....if he's not left the ground by that point...!

I fondly remember PNE and I have a mate who's a PNE fan who still talks about it.

Not wising to rain on your parade and I'll be right with you but.we're in the EE on Saturday and the Rotherham Fans will, as far as I'm aware, be in the far left hand corner by the Dolman so if we march the pitch ala PNE we could be er, saluting ourswelves!

Same thing happened with Hartlepool in the play offs and it's funny but that wasn't reported in the EP either.

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I fondly remember PNE and I have a mate who's a PNE fan who still talks about it.

Not wising to rain on your parade and I'll be right with you but.we're in the EE on Saturday and the Rotherham Fans will, as far as I'm aware, be in the far left hand corner by the Dolman so if we march the pitch ala PNE we could be er, saluting ourswelves!

Same thing happened with Hartlepool in the play offs and it's funny but that wasn't reported in the EP either.

We're in the East End??? When did that happen?!? ;) .

I did think that myself, but figured Dolls maybe fancied taking the scenic route! That and it's an obvious focal point rather than "by the 7th advertising board on the atyeo side of the Dolman", for example!

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