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Once Again, The Crowd Is The 12th Man


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After the delight of seeing Fergie's face at the end of the CL Semi-Final last night, it was commented on once again on the impact the home crowd had on the home teams performance. "The atmosphere from start to finish drove them to the win" was one comment and "the noise was deafening even 45 mins prior to kick off" was another.

Surely after Tuesday and Wednesday's matches, there is only one thing for on Saturday. Leave the worries, predictions, missed chances, groans of performances against weaker teams out. Let Gary deal with that, that's what he is paid to do.

Let's concentrate on making as much effing noise on Saturday as humanly possible from 2.00pm until 4.50pm and leave the groans at home.

Players feed of this, Gattuso of Milan was a prime example the man was buzzing from the atmosphere.

Let this be the fans defining moment.....we know what we have to do.......MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If anyone ever doubted the effect the crowd has on influencing teams, positively or negatively, then the Champions League matches this week should have made them think again. You MUST make the most of home advantage, out shout everybody else. Wall of noise for 90 mins, whatever happens. Simple as that really!

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