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Guest DanC

Sorry but I'm effin loving this. I hate chelsea and there banker of a manager so laughed my head off when Liverpool beat them and then United beat them to the title.


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Sorry but I'm effin loving this. I hate chelsea and there banker of a manager so laughed my head off when Liverpool beat them and then United beat them to the title.


Exactly. A horrible club from top to bottom. Chairman, Cheif Exec, Manager, Players & Fans alike.

It says a lot about how unpopular they are when a large majority of neutrals want Man Utd to beat them.

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Exactly. A horrible club from top to bottom. Chairman, Cheif Exec, Manager, Players & Fans alike.

It says a lot about how unpopular they are when a large majority of neutrals want Man Utd to beat them.


The chairman is a gimp for getting rid of Ranieri after 1 season even though NOBODY beat arsenal that season and he took them further in Europe than ever before.

I don't mind mourinho as i find his outbursts quite amusing, but he does go OTT a bit too much recently

Kenyon just seems to annoy me.

Payers, well don't get me started, their attitude is awful. john terry and Frank lampard say they love the club yet the stall on contracts worth £120,000 a week because Schevchenko and Ballack earn more. Not to mention Ashley Cole's move from Arsenal and John Obi Mikel, who i think is the worst player ever to play in the premiership (what exactly does he do?), man u must be laughing now after he turned his back on them after signing for them, only to say he didn't want to play for them anymore and wanted to join Chelsea, that saved them £15 million that has been better spent elsewhere.

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Yes because Ranieri's been such a stirling success since he left Chelsea and proved everyone wrong at the club... Sucessfully leading holders Valencia out of the Uefa cup and into sixth from the Championship the year before. He's currently in the process of relegating Parma from Serie A. But lets not facts get in the way of your irrational hatred of Chelsea.

John Obi Mikel is what 19-20?, a kid. This is first season in football. Yes i agree the transfer saga was a joke, yes he's not covered himself in glory so far. They bought the massive potential he has not the player he is today. Don't write off players after half a season in football. No doubt you felt the same with Vidic and Evra at the end of last season and Ronaldo two years before?

Why is the amounts of money relevant? If someone in your profession who you saw doing a worse job than you got more money, you'd feel aggrieved no matter the values.

There are many reasons to dislike Chelsea, but jeez get some good ones!

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Yes because Ranieri's been such a stirling success since he left Chelsea and proved everyone wrong at the club... Sucessfully leading holders Valencia out of the Uefa cup and into sixth from the Championship the year before. He's currently in the process of relegating Parma from Serie A. But lets not facts get in the way of your irrational hatred of Chelsea.

John Obi Mikel is what 19-20?, a kid. This is first season in football. Yes i agree the transfer saga was a joke, yes he's not covered himself in glory so far. They bought the massive potential he has not the player he is today. Don't write off players after half a season in football. No doubt you felt the same with Vidic and Evra at the end of last season and Ronaldo two years before?

Why is the amounts of money relevant? If someone in your profession who you saw doing a worse job than you got more money, you'd feel aggrieved no matter the values.

There are many reasons to dislike Chelsea, but jeez get some good ones!

paragraph one - i don't have a huge hatred of chelsea, but the way they treated him was a disgrace, sure he hasn't been that great since, but like i said, 2nd in prem and semi-final of champions league in 1st season. Mourinho's done that this year, yeh, they have the carling cup and potentially the FA cup, but i think man u will win that. Better sack Mourinho then! Not to mention he brought in the likes of Lampard, Cech, Robben, Joe Cole, Makelele and gave John Terry his first game, all of which of key to Chelsea's current squad of players under Jose.

paragraph two - yeh he is a kid, but from what we were told by Chelsea / Man U, you would have thought he'd be the next Pele, a bit like Freddy Adu, loads of people were raving about him, he went to Man U for a trial and their coaching staff said he was crap. I'm sure he will be a good talent one day.

I still don't rate Evra that highly, i think Henize is much better and i've said from the start that Vidic and Ronaldo were good players, despite hating Ronaldo immensly, he was still a very good player who has turned into a world class player. If Mikel was in any other team in England, i think you'd realise how crap he really is, only because he's got quality players around him that he's even there.

Paragraph 3 - you are right, i would be annoyed if someone in my work was paid more than me for doing less / good enough work, however, if i was on what they are on at the moment, i couldn't give a toss if i was the worst paid player in the team, i'd still rake it in. I'd just get on with it and not let it bother me.

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paragraph one - i don't have a huge hatred of chelsea, but the way they treated him was a disgrace, sure he hasn't been that great since, but like i said, 2nd in prem and semi-final of champions league in 1st season. Mourinho's done that this year, yeh, they have the carling cup and potentially the FA cup, but i think man u will win that. Better sack Mourinho then! Not to mention he brought in the likes of Lampard, Cech, Robben, Joe Cole, Makelele and gave John Terry his first game, all of which of key to Chelsea's current squad of players under Jose.

With Chelsea's money and Man Utd's shopping list it's hard not to make good signings. He also signed some shockers, let's not forget that. Damien Duff for £17million, Scott Parker and Glen Johnson, Juan Sebastian Veron and Hernán Crespo, Adrian Mutu... It evens out.

paragraph two - yeh he is a kid, but from what we were told by Chelsea / Man U, you would have thought he'd be the next Pele, a bit like Freddy Adu, loads of people were raving about him, he went to Man U for a trial and their coaching staff said he was crap. I'm sure he will be a good talent one day. If Mikel was in any other team in England, i think you'd realise how crap he really is, only because he's got quality players around him that he's even there.

Mikel had barely touched a ball in professional football before he came to Chelsea. I thought it was four matches but i looked it up to make sure and it says six. Six games in Sweden's first division! Anyone who expected him to come straight in and be fantastic is deluded. He does have monstrous physical and technical attributes which is down to Chelsea to realise.

RE ADU. Who's loads of people? Which loads of people? The people playing champ manager or dishing out endorsement deals? Or the people watching the games? You're clearly swayed by price tags and hype!

Paragraph 3 - you are right, i would be annoyed if someone in my work was paid more than me for doing less / good enough work, however, if i was on what they are on at the moment, i couldn't give a toss if i was the worst paid player in the team, i'd still rake it in. I'd just get on with it and not let it bother me.

I don't believe you'd have the same attitude in their position. To be honest it's less about the money for them too but they see it as pride. It's human nature to compare yourself with your peers and if you feel unjustly treated it's right to stand up for it.

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I don't disagree with you on those points, he did sign some bad players, however, Duff didn't do too bad for chelsea but now i don't think he has a clue what he's doing. They were always going to pay over the top money for players, Mourinho does it today, SWP aint worth 24 million, Essien is a quality player but not what they paid for. etc

True about Mikel as well, yeh he's played very limited footy, but that's their problem if they wanna fork out 16 million, they can afford to do that, any other club would just laugh and tell them to go elsewhere. A lot is expected of him at such a young age i know, but they can't expect to pay stupid money and not expect to see results from it. look at schevchenko, I don't think Schevchenko is worth 30 million at 29, as outstanding a player as he is / was, i think he's left it too late to play in this league, it's s shame because he's been outstanding all his career, yeh it is his first season, but it's also Berbatov's first season, and he's been superb at a 3rd of the price.

RE Adu, i have family in America who follow "soccer", and they think he's god's gift to the world, can't see why. But yeh, Champ manager doesn't help matters when it comes to players who come to the Premiership,

once again, i agree with your last point, but it's the managers fault for throwing money at players who they expect to do better than those who captain and play for the club,

but what can't you do with £90,000 a week that you can do with £130,000. One more Ferrarri in the garage?? Hard life for those players aint it. Obviously, that aint the fault of the club as that's the players own personal discretion.

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