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What Are The Squad Doing For The Next


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north in readiness for the Port Vale game? Anyone know?

Some serious team building and team spirit sessions are urgently required.

Hope they are staying in a hotel up this way, Trannie fans were surprised that the game was tonight and not yesterday and I can only presume we requested it so that we could stay in the area.

Anyone know?

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The sqaud are on their way back to Bristol.

Can't speak for the whole team but know one player who is totally gutted, hates getting beaten, but felt he played as well as he could have.

So it does anger me when I hear the whole team described as Non - tryers.

Think I will reserve judgement till the fat lady sings!

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Lee did try, no doubt about that, the vast majority did, however, there was a lot of missing ingredients tonight.

Confidence has simply drained away, there was no pace, no invention, no cutting edge, no lots of things really.

Pity me, I have to write 1,000 words on tonight, cut out the expletives and what will I have left?

I also pity the poor souls who spent their hard earned to attend tonight. Just driving the 60 odd miles home was bad enough!!

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I don't envy you your task.

I sometimes think its even more difficult to listen to the match than sit and watch it, as far as nerves are concerned. Not to see the body language of the players, is a great disadvantage, or it is between Lee and myself anyway. I was so sure we would win tonight I talked my boss into changing his coupon (bets for tonight). Imagine what I am going into at work in the morning!

I just hope the boys can pick themselves up from this, I know it will only serve to make Lee even more determined.

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Thank you for coming out!!

Very good point about body language, something I thought of during the game. Quite a few heads were going down before we conceeded the goal. There was also a lack of movement at times and shrugs and pointing and arguing.

Not what you would expect to see from a team in 3rd place when a win tonight would have equated to second spot.

This is my main worry, team building is desparately required.

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I think I have been well and truly out since I was photographed at the Forum Football match a couple of weeks ago :dunno:

There are times though I wish I had never discovered this Forum as some of the comments really hurt.

It does however make me feel proud when Lee is praised, as I know he is his own harshest critic, That is when I step in, when like tonight he is so down on himself.

I have not given up on the team, or the Manager, or the Chairman. I do however feel some air clearing is in order between all three parties.

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I have not given up on the team, or the Manager, or the Chairman. I do however feel some air clearing is in order between all three parties.

agree 100%

and I think many of the players are their own harshest critics (although they may wonder about that if they do read the forum)

you can tell how much it hurts them when we lose and play badly, you can see the body language, says it all.

Have some confidence, but each time we lose or underperform, the next game is crucial. So Port Vale is a big match and thankfully I will be there and won't have to endure the pain on the radio :dunno:

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Lee did try, no doubt about that, the vast majority did, however, there was a lot of missing ingredients tonight.

Confidence has simply drained away, there was no pace, no invention, no cutting edge, no lots of things really.

Pity me, I have to write 1,000 words on tonight, cut out the expletives and what will I have left?

I also pity the poor souls who spent their hard earned to attend tonight. Just driving the 60 odd miles home was bad enough!!

Chesh, thats the key thing confidence, and I really think the only way they'll get it back is with a new face in charge. The on field bickering last night was a worry.

However Lee, Robbo, Danny, Matty all played reasonably, Butler had a now customary mare (Why after a good season last year?) and Phillips proved why he's not got any serious competition for his place. Better than Saturday, but confidence was weak, and got weaker the longer the game went on.

Wilson has done as much as he can, he'll only drag us back if he stays any longer. thanx for the last 3 seasons, but NOT this one DW, and close the door behind ya. If he goes now the team will be able to play for pride and show they aint as bad as results indicate, and give us something to build on for next season

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