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The Season Of The 30%ers


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I don't in anyway begrudge the club putting the prices up for Championship football by 30%. I think that is fair dos and relates to the higher running costs of the club (we can't on the one hand moan about keeping hold of our best players, whilst on the other not provide the capital needed to do it).


As BristolBoy has put forward, I think this sets a bar for the club this season - a bar of 30%. Therefore:

- We've got to see a 30% increase in the quality of pay on the pitch

- We've got to score 30% more goals

- The East End has got to create 30% more atmoshere

- New seats have got to be 30% more comfortable

- Pasties have got to be 30% tastier

- Refreshment staff have got to be 30% better looking

I think this is a good target all round - a 30% increase will see us finish nicely around the 11-12 position.

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- Pasties have got to be 30% tastier

I'm afraid a 100% increase in the taste of pasty would only get it to "tastes like sh1t" level.

The service, choice, availability and quality of the refreshments (ateyo) is nothing short of diabolical

Surely, this were our Supporters Trust should be stepping in to sort this out - A quality pie or pasty is a must in the Championship

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Surely, this were our Supporters Trust should be stepping in to sort this out - A quality pie or pasty is a must in the Championship

regardless of your sacrcasm, this issue has been on-going for some time now....and it aint getting any better. We will now be paying "championship" prices to watch football at the gate and yet the catering "facilities" and "service" at the gate are in many peoples eyes second rate to say the least.

As part of the matchday experience, many people like a drink/somthing to eat during the game or at half time yet, in my experience, its a joke. Facilities don't open, staff are from another planet, the ques are hideous (most times by time I get to the front the second half is starting), If I want a beer I'm forced to drink carling, food is cold/dried out/not fit for human consumption, and prices considering the quality are ridiculous.

The point made was if we have to pay the price, we want to see the quality....in my eyes this applies to catering. Maybe not the highest priority but still an important issue to Mr Lansdowns customers

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Have to agree about catering. I went to see the Yeovil match, scorching day and the refreshement bar below the Williams stand F block had ran out of water. Before the game! :blink: I also arrived later than planned, and not being familiar with the Williams stand (or Ashton Gate much in recent years due to having lived outside the UK!) I asked a steward where I could get a beer, he told me "umm dunno mate" and turned his back on me. A 30% increase is needed IMO. But it's no better than most places I've been to this season with City, although Crewe had the most gorgeous pies! Hollands are a north east legend!

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