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Calling All You Eastenders Contemplating A St


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Having grown up on the EE watching City play (right up to the season it was closed to home fans), I relished watching the Rotherham game 'back home' (which proved to be one of the most atmospheric game I have ever witnessed at AG), and it was with great delight I heard the news about the EE being opened up to ST holders again for one 'final fling'. However, having had time to let it sink in and see the new revised ground plan I now have a nagging feeling that it's not quite going to be as good as we first wanted and that my money might be better spent elsewhere e.g. Dolman.

Here's my thinking (bear with me!) - The new area means 1000 max of us will be in Block H and G, which as the Rotherham game demonstrated can be noisy (they only brought a handfull with them remember!) - but after the segregation of F and possibly part of E that leaves around 3k to 3.5k away fans (which will easily be filled by the clubs we will be facing) who could easily generate as much (if not more) noise than H and G put together. Combine that with the depth of B block and the EE city boys will have their work cut out against a very noisy away end!

The main reason (not just sentimental) I would go in the EE is the atmosphere, but if my suspicions are right it might end up being a bit of a damp squib on quite a lot of games, especially god forbid if we start struggling in the league.

What do you think?


p.s. I have NO issues with the season ticket prices what so ever. :)

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1) Last chance ever;

2) At the sharp end;

3)close to away fans;

4) Atmosphere best in the ground;

5) Was in with Swansea,Forest approx same ratio, wouldnt of missed it for anywhere else;

6) No ques for bogs or food;

7) Memories;

8) It will be as good or bad as you make it

9) Its where the happy people will be;

10) You know want to;

and you are in a "quandry" maybe you should sit in the Dolman then (with respect to them that like sitting in that stand):disapointed2se:

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The EE will hopefully be the most fun part of the ground to be in. Having been in there at every available opportunity I know that, for me, the East End can make even the most dour game entertaining. We'll be close to the away fans, causing loads of banter and it should be a great laugh. I wouldn't worry too much about being outsung, we were outnumbered against Swansea and we were extremely loud.

Come in the East End. You know it makes sense.

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