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graham b

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Today is not the day for sacking managers

Today is transfer deadline day

Today is the day when we hopefully acquire somebody whose arrival will act as a belief boost to the rest of the squad.

Today is the day when the physio will work wonders and get both Tommy and Lee P fit for selection on Saturday.

Today is the day when Wilson will hopefully realise that we require a balanced side that is capable of attacking down BOTH flanks

Today is the day when the squad training will go back to the basics of playing football rather than the hoofball to which they have reverted.

Today we are still third in the league and we must all keep trying to look up to QPR rather than down to the Luton's etc. A couple of positive results can still turn the season our way.

Today we are collectively depressed. Lets hope tomorrow we can feel better and Saturday can be collectively seen as the beginning of our final promotion drive.

Today it is so critical that we keep supporting the club we love

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he was on sky saying he will try and sign a striker today...

Miller and Peacock are a great signing Danny!!

At least they went for murray, though putting bums back on seats rather than winning games i feel was behind that.

We need someone, or at least a winger and give another front pairing a chance like you gave LeeP and miller.

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Ok a new player would be a start but i still think it's too little too late.

How are we going to get the calibre of player that will slot straight into the team and be able to play along with everyone without time to settle in? We have 8 games left? The new player will need at least 3 of these to settle in?

But then again 1 player doesn't make a team and it's not just one position we are lacking at the moment!

But after all that I still don't reckon we'll get anyone anyway, why was this not looked at a month ago at least! Even during our run Danny should of been looking ahead and thinking what was going to happen when we lost, he surely knew we are renowned for falling to pieces at some point in the season, did he not think this would be around the corner?!

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Today is the day when we hopefully acquire somebody whose arrival will act as a belief boost to the rest of the squad.

Again we agree! - and on all points

The problem with the one that I have left in quotes above is that the later you leave it the better the player you bring in has to be.

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I make very few posts but read nearly all the threads on the forum and I totally agree 100%, today and the rest of the season is about supporting the CLUB, both the players and management.

I can't believe the number of NEGATIVE people who THINK they support CITY.

Any thoughts of sacking anyone, from the chairman to the tea lady are completely stupid and would have a NEGATIVE effect on the rest of the campaign.

All supporters are entitled to their views, but the endless sack Danny, change this, change that rubbish that is spouted by some on this forum ISN'T DOING THE CLUB ANY GOOD!

If you truly want promotion for CITY then ask yourself this question, AM I HELPING THE CAUSE? A blind man could see that there are problems that need to be sorted, the management and especially the players don't need to be told this over and over again.


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Sorry graham, but in my opinion, too many of those 'todays' should have been sorted yesterday.

Although I would agree with you in principle that things could have been sorted earlier it must be remembered that.

.... Today is the first day of the rest of our life.

Today is the first day now available for us to do something positive

Today is your birthday (and AdamB's). Many happy returns (hopefully to 1st Division grounds!) :dunno:

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Today is the day for signing a right winger. We've already chalked up two failed attempts in this respect and boy do we need one to give the side some balance. Not sure if I were Steve that I'd have too much faith in Wilson's pleas of "3rd time lucky eh Steve?" and I'd be inclined to go out and get someone I KNOW is a right winger!

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If you truly want promotion for CITY then ask yourself this question, AM I HELPING THE CAUSE? A blind man could see that there are problems that need to be sorted, the management and especially the players don't need to be told this over and over again.


Absolutely Redpaul!

It is all to easy to be critical. Even in our depths of despair from the Oldham and Tranmere games and beyond , we must not lose sight of the fact that promotion remains obtainable. To lose sight of that will only result in us wallowing in the negatives and thereby helping in the self fullfilling prophecy of decline and failure.

We have a squad that is well capable of promotion. We need the manager, the players and the supporters to believe that. Hopefully we can receive a boost today to that belief but no matter what the supporters need to carry on supporting to the final decision day of the season.

The end of the season is the time for critical appraisal. Now is the time for absolute support.

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I can't believe the number of NEGATIVE people who THINK they support CITY.

Any thoughts of sacking anyone, from the chairman to the tea lady are completely stupid and would have a NEGATIVE effect on the rest of the campaign.

All supporters are entitled to their views, but the endless sack Danny, change this, change that rubbish that is spouted by some on this forum ISN'T DOING THE CLUB ANY GOOD!

If you truly want promotion for CITY then ask yourself this question, AM I HELPING THE CAUSE? A blind man could see that there are problems that need to be sorted, the management and especially the players don't need to be told this over and over again.


Captain - the ship is sinking - shall I get the lifeboats out before it's too late?

No. Let's not be negative here. That's not the spirit. I have faith in the ship - it won't sink.

But sir - we still have a chance to change things! Lets do something and save some people.

No - we must stick with this. Negative thoughts don't help.

Get the point? Support the team by all means, but if there are genuine problems then only a fool ignores them.

Blind faith and an unquestioning nature leads to horrific consequences. How many german soldiers did the right thing by not questioning the regime they were in?

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