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Head Count


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Just follow on 2 my earlier thread at moment roughly 21k and possibly 29k capicity in near future if all goes well ? but question is will the gate pull a regular full house of 21k next season ? 8-9k season tickets last year and average 12k a match i think if my memery serves me right, how many will they sell this year ? and would the dream years of the 70's get a full house 30k +++ ??? or would the premiership need that head count , tricky one when you concider we took 50k to freight rover and lvd finals your thought's

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I think we can look at 13k - 15k average next year.

We have already shown we can attract 17 plus for big games at the Gate so it depends on how we do really.

Success means people will pay to go no matter what. Although I do belive there will only ever be a core 10k fans that will be there no matter what.

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I think the average will be around the same - just under 13,000.

It would and should have been around 15,000, but the ticketing strategy put paid to that.

Although what always has to be rememembered is there will be many more away fans next season on average so I should imagine a thousand at least could be added onto the figure just because of that.

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